Publish time 3-12-2019 00:56:15
Of course if protectionism is decided that is what is in the best interests of the UK I'm sure that it will be retained. The advantage of being outside of the EU is that we can make that determination for ourselves.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:56:16
You really do spout some utter tripe with no understanding or empathy for the real life real world, life changing impact.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:56:17
I think we are all convinced he is a re-reg troll 
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:56:18
He did seem to mos(l)ey into the forums after someone was suspended(although the join date was before that, so I'm probably a mile off!)
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:56:19
Something is up, so I have asked for proof he is in Mexico.If he is, I will eat humble pie.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:56:19
Sorry , wasn't trying to call a fellow member out and what not , don't come here often as I'm more old school AV ( or New ) only . Coming from a country background and still close links to hard working peeps in that industry,well I just find these sort of posts dissapointing on what changes it means in real world terms to many folks future first hand. To discuss it in a throwaway manner such as this , Well to me is very disrepectual of the very hard work involved.
That's about all I have to say on it .
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:56:22
UK should produce more of its own food to protect prices, report says - UK should produce more of its own food to protect prices, report says - BBC News
"It makes sense to hedge our bets and build a more resilient system" which can then "provide more food, andmore diverse food, to the nation", said the report.
"The downside is that food might be more expensive in general, but more secure and diverse, said Prof Benton."
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:56:23
I like this article. I'm not (yet) proposing the abolition of all subsidies but I think it is something that should be studied.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:56:23
Difference is, farmers back then were not at the mercy of Supermarkets purchasing power. We have to figure out a way to bring things into a balance that works for the farmers, supermarkets and consumers.
We need to have the resilience to cope with shocks to the global food market, that much has been obvious for years. We've been lucky so far, that nothing major has happened given the development of fertilisers and genetically modified crops will become a larger part of our diets as things move forward.
It's an interesting idea. But the fundamental issue is the price farmers are paid for the products they grow/make vs the expectation of cheap food. The current model is simply not going to work very well going forward. We rely far too much on food imports and we will be in trouble if there is a crisis in global farming due to the climate or volcanic activity etc
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:56:24