IronGiant Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:28

Does anyone else need them? 

The Martians obviously ruined theirs so why not use it now they are extinct?.


apolloa Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:28

Your giant iron feet would squash them all!!

You confused me but that makes sense.

fluxo Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:29

Supernovae can ruin planets without the intervention of people. Dastardly stars! What right do they have to do this?

EarthRod Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:30

Without the big explosions littering space with dust and debris there would be no people.

BobbyMac Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:30

Michael Gove appears worried

UK farmers might be unable to export food to EU after no-deal Brexit, warns Michael Gove

Greg Hook Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:31

What a load of rubbish.
I'm a remainer, but to say that no food will be exported if there is a no deal is just pure nonsense that Gove is using to try to persuade all the MPs to go for May's rubbish deal.

BobbyMac Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:32

TBF he said might or could, not that it would

Greg Hook Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:33

Yes, but that's the same thing in a statement like this.

BobbyMac Publish time 3-12-2019 00:57:34

This link gives more meat on the bones (if you'll pardon the pun) of his POV

Brexit: Michael Gove admits farmers may never recover from no-deal
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