Gordon B Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:09

Sorry but due to work commitments I'm out of this one. Hope to catch you all next time round.

TheCSSDoctor Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:10

Only a couple weeks to go so thought I would give this a little bump back to the top for everyone

I am not expecting too much from my golf at the moment, as I am working through a bit of a swing change - nothing too drastic but enough to just throw me off slightly at the moment until I get used to it

Although, once sorted it should help with consistency and I suspect it could actually gain me some extra distance with each club as well so I am hoping it won't take too long to get it working

Toasty Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:11

I finished last season on 14, have high hopes for this season, but a poor start sees me staring at going up to 15. Could do with a couple of good rounds to boost confidence. Shame, as individual shots have been fairly good, its just been a matter of bringing all together over 18 holes.

Looking forward to Morley though, hope weather holds up 

domtheone Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:12

Have not played since the last day.

Was hoping to get a round in but too busy with other things :-(

Still have only 4 confirmed on the front page.Might be 1 * Four ball at this rate!

Abbeygoo Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:12

Have a great day guys. Good to see this day is still thriving. Enjoy!

domtheone Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:13

Still going but not sure about thriving! only need 1 tee of time at this rate

domtheone Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:13

Had to give the golf course an update this morning.

Told him I'm not 100% we'll need 3 tee off times but I'll know more next week.Fine with that.

Toasty.Do you have Robs number?I appear to have lost it. you know/can you check if he's coming?

I can possibly bring a work mate to make up the numbers.

Toasty Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:14

No, sorry, I don't have his number, I tried to get him via facebook but failed. I thought he'd have reappeared by now, but it looks like he's on a more permanent vacation from AVF 

domtheone Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:15

He can still viewing the forums though right?Or is his ISP number blocked

Hey Rob.You still got my number?Give me a call/drop me a text.

Ultima Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:15

Not sure if this is still going ahead but after just having a week in Portugal I'm snowed under at work so can't make it....sorry everyone.
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