domtheone Publish time 2-12-2019 20:51:34

Played Shirland once.Many years ago.Liked it.

Seem to remember a lot of scary moments ducking for cover with shouts of "fore" every 2 minutes as it was up down up down with parallel fairways just about every hole!

signs Publish time 2-12-2019 20:51:34

I'm in , i'll play anywhere !

i have played Morley three times this year so far though 

Toasty Publish time 2-12-2019 20:51:35

That's 2 shots off you for local knowledge then 

signs Publish time 2-12-2019 20:51:35


domtheone Publish time 2-12-2019 20:51:35

Update with price for Ramsdale (taken off their website).

Pain to get to though so would recommend the others.

signs Publish time 2-12-2019 20:51:36

What we doing then ? 

Toasty Publish time 2-12-2019 20:51:37

Morley is still looking like my vote based on value and course feedback. But it sounds like a few of you have already played it, so I'm happy to play elsewhere if you prefer a change of scenery.

signs Publish time 2-12-2019 20:51:39

I don't mind mate , but it is in the middle of butt fluck nowhere !!! 

TheCSSDoctor Publish time 2-12-2019 20:51:40

Wondered whether anything might have been sorted while I was away but guessing not just yet

Assuming I can get the time off I will be there obviously, and I spoke to Preston and he has said if he can get the time off as well he will be coming along again. I haven't been able to speak to Adrian so not sure about him yet

Signs - from looking at a map, it looks like all 3 of the original suggestions are pretty close together, so are they all in the middle of nowhere then 

Toasty Publish time 2-12-2019 20:51:40

I think miles from anywhere has been par for the course recently 

Can I suggest we go with one of the above this time round so we can confirm a time and place ASAP? Then have a chat on the day about organising the Summer/Autumns golf day at a venue good for a night out?
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View full version: AVF Golf Day - Friday May 23rd 2014