BB3Lions Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:38

Plan & preperation stage.

Who fancies Portugal 

Qactuar Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:39

That would be Branston; nice place, but the 18th makes people rather nervous (golfing and watching when outside!).

I recently started playing in July and the areas you all went to last time, are local to me now as it happens (I'm S.Derbyshire/Staffs way), so would be interested if it's likely to be around here. I've only done 3 rounds of 9 holes and 1 round of 18, but had lessons beforehand so not a complete liability - I just think of the extra shots as "better value for money" 

Typically, I'm averaging two-over per hole, primarily as a result of my equipment (very very flexible beginner graphite shafts meaning I can't control my long irons as well, resulting in teeing off with my 7 iron quite a lot - instant1 shot) and partly due to extra putts (the other1). I like to be prepared with excuses  But still - enjoy playing it, so that's what counts, right? Think of me as the person that means you can't possibly finish last!

Toasty Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:40

We also did one at Signs original club The Craythorne, a tough little course which I believe sadly closed down a couple of years ago..

Edit: Last few years has ping ponged between Derbyish and Yorkshireish, if there is some interest building, maybe we should look at trying to do it again, it may be too late for a Sep/Oct day this year though..

Qactuar Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:41

Where's Craythorne at? Not heard of it if it's local but that's no measure of my knowledge!

I'm always up for a round if people are nearby to East Mids etc (wife due November). I could do October most likely!

BB3Lions Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:42

October is ok for me, any day of the week.

I don't mind commuting.

deanym Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:43


Toasty Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:43

It was in Stretton, but probably been closed for a couple of years now.

BB3Lions Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:44

If you fancy Whitefield (Northwest) my club is Pike Fold.

domtheone Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:45

Not played much (shoulder injury) bar a couple of efforts on the par 3's.

Could maybe do a round in mid-late;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Even though i don't play much now, would love a game overseas (Portugal or wherever).

Nice course, buggy, warm sunshine, villa, pool etc etc 

Dony Publish time 2-12-2019 20:52:46

@domtheone I'm with you on the etc etc 
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