shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:37

Maybe you should pick better locations and Models ? 

CFC1 Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:38

You tell that to Sohaib at the Photography Show. 

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:38

Isn't thar f2.8 mft?

I thought f4.0 full frame = f2.0 on ff from a "image that comes out of the camera" perspective

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:38

In terms of DOF yes, in terms of light gathering no. But it’s the closest match.

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:38

I see, so a MFT f2.8 will perform better in low light than a full frame f4.0?

I know f2.8 is f2.8 in regards to light gathering, but I'm less bothered about the technicalities and more bothered by the practical implications... i.e. the picture which comes out of the camera, the low light level ability and the boooookeh lol.

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:39

I think the issue with the A73 now isnt the camera body but the lenses available. Specifically the affordable mid range zoom lens.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:39

I think you're missing the point tbh, but to answer your question FF at f4 would show less noise than m4/3 at f2.8 

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:39

Whats the point?

That an f2.8 lens regardless of format gathers the same amount of light?

But the images reflect drastically different effects in regards to noise AND dof?

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:39

No, that I was looking at as close to like for like as possible in terms of weight, size and compromise between DOF and light gathering. I'm aware of all the technical differences between the two, and the differences between m4/3 and FF 

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:41

Yup very good point!
I'm already fully aware than Full frame is heavy compared to MFT and I agree with you on the advantages of MFT in that regard.

I do like that I can just grab my G85 and a prime and it feels like nothing.
However taking my G85 and kit lens honestly leaves me feeling quite exposed in many different situations as opposed to the fullframe kit lens which I imagine will be like holding an f2.8 mft zoom albiet heavier.

However on the flip side, I think a full frame body and a prime won't weigh THAT much more.

MFT for size/weight/compromise will always be the top dog until you hit the limitations of the system. I think I've started encountering them far too frequently in regards to autofocus in video, low light and my fetish for bokeh.

Of course there are workaround for all those limitations but I'm not sure if they're worth it. The video autofocus in particular is just so dreadful.

If Sony could just include a flip screen in a camera, I'd honestly just ditch my G85 and all its lenses.
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