Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:18
I’m thinking about buying something new to inspire myself  I currently have a couple of Canon cameras, with the 7D Mk2 being my main one. I usually walk around with the 100-400L lens and it does me proud when walking around the woods etc and taking handheld shots.
But, if I’m going to get into visiting more RSPB places, I reckon I’m going to need more reach. So I don’t know if I should get a Canon 1.4 extender or if I should get the big Sigma 150-600 Sport lens. If the 100-400 was the mk2 version I think I’d go the converter route, but it’s not, it’s the much older version. It’s still a good lens but I think the mk2 would be better with the converter.
Decisions !
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:19
Actually it’s a shame the local council were sworn to secrecy because this morning they closed off the town centre for ‘secret special guests’ and it turned out to be Top Gear filming a race around the town centre. Nobody knew about it until it was all over. That would have been interesting to photograph!
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:20
To be fair, it's not like we fund the show through an annual mandatory license fee or anything...
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:21
I saw this on the news (Flintoff crashing) and was a bit gutted, would have liked to have seen it them filming it.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:23
I've just been looking at camera gear on line to see if I fancy buying anything and I've come to the conclusion that the prices are somehow fixed either by the manufacturers or the shops or a bit of both. I bought my 7D mk2 a few years ago when it first came out and you'd have expected the price to have gone down a bit since the release date but it's actually still a bit more than it cost back then.
I don't think it's down to the value of the pound either and I also don't buy this automatic reaction people seem to have of blaming 'Brexit' because it hasn't even bloody happened yet 
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:24
Cameras and lens prices do fluctuate quite a bit although cameras generally do come down in price over time, especially if a replacement model has been released. There is no 7D mk3 yet and with it being the Canon's top tier APS-C that might explain the price.
I was tempted to buy the 6D mk2 on launch but felt the price was just too high, especially as I also wanted the optional battery grip. It would have cost in the region of £2150 for the two. I waited until the following spring by which time the price had dropped to £1650. That is closer to what I was thinking it should have been at launch. I then looked into grey import sellers and found Panamoz had it for £1350 for the camera, the grip and 3 year warranty and decided to buy it. Once I sold my original 6D and accessories it brought the final cost down to around £700 for the upgrade.
If you don't mind grey imports you can save quite a bit of money. Currently the 100-400 mk 2 is £1240 on Panamoz and £1275 on HDEW. They are also doing a combo that includes the 1.4x mk3 extender for £1599 although I don't think that is a great deal as it puts the entender at £324 which is not far off the UK price.
You could also look into the used market. I managed to get the 2x mk3 extender as an Amazon warehouse item for less than half it's current price and it was in mint condition.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:25
We may not have left the European Union yet but that most certainly does not mean we haven't felt the negative impact, before the EU referendum a pound would buy you 195 yen and shortly after when the pound tanked after the EU referendum result just 126 yen.It's recovered slightly up to 145 yen but the simple fact is the pound is less worth than it used to be and that has an effect on prices.
Furthermore the DSLR market is stagnating and the focus now is on mirrorless cameras, the 7D Mk II is approaching five years old but it's still the current model, if there had been a mk III it's likely the mk II would have come down in price.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:26
I have organised a couple days out and I have a trip to Cornwall in the summer. It should give me lots of photo opportunities this year along with the portrait and fashion shoots I have lined up.
I'm also going to do a bit more video work this year and try to up my game as that is one area I'm not very good.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:27
Just wondered if you had made the jump and if you had the Q2 yet?
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:28
Yes received the Q2 the day after announcement 