Dancook Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:12

I was tempted to spend £99 on a local street photography workshop just to motivate myself..

But figured that's five train rides to London, so I guess I should just get on with it 

GaseousClay Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:13

Been doing Motion graphics that's my excuse 

Worcs Wildlife Trust on Twitter

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:14

That's a difficult question to answer although my initial thought is that it can be either.I'd say I'm quite a technical person and when I take photos I mainly focus on capturing the scene as I see it while my brother and sister are much more creative and take very different photos although neither have any interest in photography.When my brother was away in a rural area of Scotland all his photos were of rusting structures on boats.It's the sort of shot I wouldn't have even considered but they were impressive pictures showing all the unique patterns of decay.

I only seem to take that sort of photo accidentally as happened recently when I bought a new drone that I was concerned was taking photos that were too soft.It was bothering me so headed out to a local quiet park at night and fired the drone up, the are sets of pale steps which were ideal to test the focus.The photos looked nothing like the area as they flattened slope and turned the stairs into white stripes with the LED lamp posts producing bright areas and highlighting the grass.To me they weren't very good photos but when I posted them on FB, they've been my most popular drone photos rather than what I thought were better landscape photos.

In spite of that though I think with practice you'd get to learn to get an eye for these type of shots although personally I don't generally try as I'm not so keen on those shots, I prefer something that reminds me of the scene.My sister's boyfriend is also very creative and had a surprisingly good series of photos on door locks but the on the other hand when he came to visit here up north, he didn't even take a camera as he wouldn't use it as he doesn't take 'tourist' photos which I think is a shame.I have another friend who has spent a lot of time taking part in a local camera club and their challenges but he doesn't take many day to day photos which can annoy his partner since he has great camera equipment.


HMHB Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:14

I'm in Mansfield. You could nip over here and take photos of chavs, young mothers smoking and drinking with their prams and the rest out of their heads on Spice/mamba 

Dancook Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:15

I don't know about Toby, but I'm getting my mojo back...

I cleaned out my instagram to make way for street photography only, hopefully only posting the best stuff.

I have analysed the costs of trains to London(From £19 to £30), and found that with a network rail card - I can get a £13 return ticket to london any day after 11am - at this price I can go often.

I am also motivated by technology and new cameras. There is also a Leica Q2 going to be announced soon, key feature being that it will 46 MP. Whilst the Leica Q is a damn good camera that doesn't really want for anything, people often pair it up with another camera 50mm- with 46MP and it's inbuilt crop modes, it will have enough versatility to be the only camera I need for travel/street.

So I will likely sell my Hasseblad (and original Leica Q) as funds for the Q2, with some spare £1000's for travel 

Another thing which is getting me fired up, getting some portfolios together - and just looking to continually better those images.

I might also need a project... but I think I mentioned a tongue in cheek project, London as a film set.. I will see 

=adrian= Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:16

why would anyone need 46MP for street photography?

Dancook Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:16

The Leica Q has a 28mm fixed lens and two crop modes, 35/50

With the new 46MP sensor, they will be adding 75mm crop mode as well.

The 46MP will make the crop modes more appealing as there will still be plenty of pixels to work with.

Sometimes you just don't want the perspective being close and filling the frame using 28mm, you want a tidy composition with parallel lines - which is what I used the 'blad for with it's 90mm lens (74mm FF equiv)

Dancook Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:17

Also of course I'll want 46MP for my instagram posts to look their best..

Daniel Cook (@dancookphoto) • Instagram photos and videos


snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:18

That's good to hear 

Out if interest, can you remember what preset you used for your NYC photos?

Dancook Publish time 2-12-2019 06:36:18

No I don't remember sorry, I have made new catalog's since so I couldn't check either.
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