Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:36:42

Whats the space area for the HTC Vive? I thought it was 5m by 5m but now I'm seeing articles suggesting a 5m diagonal, which would be just over 2m by 2m... hardly room filling.

I think I'm misunderstanding the value of this camera. Sounds like it will offer a 3d representation of physical things in the virtual space. I can see why that may be useful. Its not a game changer though.

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:36:43

A breif and to the point report...

We tested the HTC Vive Pre - here are our reactions

I smirked at the impact on that guy's hair at about 1:50 

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:36:44

Pre-orders will open 29th February.

Smurfin Publish time 2-12-2019 05:36:45

Great news

psikey Publish time 2-12-2019 05:36:45

No good for comparison as they only mention Cardboard & Gear VR as comparisons. Surely they must have tried Oculus but never even mentioned it ??

Now price shock has died down seems many are still recommending the Oculus as "The Whole Package" especially as they are acknowledging the Oculus can do room VR so Vive just has Camera extra.Obviously need to see what price Vive comes in at compared to Oculus   Touch.

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:36:47

Indeed I will be interested between a price comparison between vive and oculus WITH the touch controllers

The way I see it at that point
Both oculus and vive has 2 tracking devices (touch pack comes with 2nd camera)
Both oculus and vive have full VR controller devices

Imo the ergonomics of the rift blow vive out of the water
Rift also will have Xbox 1 pad
Rift has 2 games (of course maybe vive may comes with games of its own)

The last unknown are exclusives however IF rift is fully compatible with steam vr it may well be that all games work on the rift.... But will the rift exclusives ever make it on the vive?.....

There are still unknowns but my money is on the rift. ...but of course all the above goes out of the window if ED does not work on the rift!. There is still time to cancel my preorder

The only plus point for sure on the vive is the camera.... For me whilst it is a plus point no doubt it is not a deal maker or breaker end of the day both will do the job just fine imo

Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:36:47

I like that the controllers are optional on the Rift. I don't want them. I use a wheel. If I ventured into flight / space sims I'd buy a HOTAS. As far as I know they're not compatible with each other unless you've got massive hands or sometihing.

Everything else, for me, at the moment, is novelty stuff.

My guess is Vive £200 more expensive on paper but final 'to your door' prices may be closer.

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:36:48

The Vive will absolutely come with free games from Steam, this is Valve we're talking about! 3 of 'em... or the third free... well, something 3 

If the Rift is welcome in SteamVR but the Vive is not welcome in FacebookVR, then that's a bloody good reason to buy the Vive IMO. I hate Apple fans claiming its best to buy iOS cause you get Apple's apps and Googles apps whereas in Android you only get Google's. You're supporting the a-hole!!! //

@MikeKay1976 you should factor in the room scale tracking of the Vive. That Gamespot video @Smurfin posted somewhere had those guys pretty convinced the room scale tracking edged the Vive out in front.

Elite is essential. If Frontier aren't supporting the Rift then I'll be cancelling my pre-order.

Smurfin Publish time 2-12-2019 05:36:49

Agreed with everything you've said here.Just one thing missing for me...SLI support.

Smurfin Publish time 2-12-2019 05:36:49

Same here.For me it's elite and pcars that will get played 
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