thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:27

The thing with inside out tracking, particularly Oculus' Insight system, is that it's only going to get better due to Oculus using Machine Learning to improve predictive algorithms.

Data is being fed to whatever machines are working on this probably every single minute of every single day because the Quest and the Rift S are selling so well.

Within a year you'll probably see flawless tracking behind the back.

It's going to be interesting to see how the Vive Cosmos tracking compares to the Oculus headsets once it's released. HTC don't have the cash to have a comparable Machine Learning setup, but they have an extra camera.

ArmitageShanks Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:28

I don't know. Camera-based tracking just sucks in my opinion. They're continually at the mercy of focal distances, limited fov, resolution, and increased processing cost.

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:29

Unless you're using the headsets for a business like VOID or something similar the focal distance won't be an issue...unless you're that bendy bloke from the Fantastic 4 

The resolution won't be an issue either as long as it's able to track what it's supposed to track.

The limited FOV can be mitigated by Machine Learning so that's not an issue either.

As for processing power I can't see that being any different otherwise the Minimum and Recommended Specs would have changed for the Rift S.

Inside out tracking is the future. We'll probably see Valve ditching Lighthouse tracking for their next headset which is going to piss off A LOT of people that have paid over the odds for their Valve Index full bundle.

Oculus and HTC have abandoned outside in tracking and Valve won't be too far behind I don't think. It's the way that the whole industry is headed.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:30

Piss a lot of people off the same way Oculus slashed the price of Touch after a few months? Or the way Oculus slashed the price of the Rift to keep it competitive?

Why would anyone be pissed of with camera based tracking if its perfect? RiftS is not perfect. Thats what it would have to be for Valve to ditch Lighthouse in 3 years. Until then anyone with an Index gets 3 years of perfect tracking. Thats a price worth paying. Anyone buying an RiftS gets 3 years of questionable tracking and bad audio unless Oculus bring out extra headphone at extra cost or a whole new headset next year.

And I don't think Index sales are doing too badly at £919


huxley Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:31

Are those charts based on quantity of units sold or monetary profit? I think it might be the later.

I had a pretty extensive play with the first version of the Rift S and the tracking was ok but having had a play over the last weekend at a friends I completely forgot it was inside out, and that was mainly playing Pavlov.

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:32

Yup, I couldn't go back to outside in tracking now, and like I said above it's going to continue to get better thanks to the Oculus Machine Learning.

Although I do sometimes wonder if this is the start of SkyNet. Having AI learn from people in combat situations is more than a little worrying. 

ArmitageShanks Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:33

The fact that you have to throw a ton of computing power to make educated guesses where controllers are...just ridiculous. I'd take lighthouse over dodgy camera tracking any day of the week.

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:34

*bear in mind i have not used a RiftS or a Quest*

But unless they get Xray vision i am not sure how this is possible.

machine learning - or guessing - may get you so far and i aint saying it is a bad thing to have.... but ultimately if your hands are not in sight of the cameras there is surely only so much they can do......
Dont take it the wrong way... inside out tracking is definitely the dream, but until oculus or whoever figure out a way of getting at least partial inside out tracking on each controlleri dont see it as being as good as CV1 constellation or lighthouse.

(which is not to say they wont replace it...... the technically superior product rarely is the one which wins......... ease of use and cost for most people is at least as important if not more important than technical specs - just look at VHS vs Betamax(or in this context PSVR vs PCVR)

Thug Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:34

Inside out tracking is definitely the future.
Lighthouse tracking 'v' inside out is like going from a corded TV remote control to an infra red one. Once its been invented there is no going back.

Having said that, it still has its issues and 'not for me'... yet, due to it not working correctly on full motion rigs. The inside out tracking obviously tracks room furniture/walls etc, plus the rig itself, and due to it moving it confuses the cameras.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:35

It wasn’t that one ago people were ridiculing WMR for its inside out tracking now it’s the future of

I just wonder how long before we see WMR 2 surface with multiple cameras. We’re does Lenovo stand, did they give up on WMR completely?
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