Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:14

But Index and Rift S have the same number of cables coming out of the back of the PC do they not? Display Port - USB and Power??? Index has an optional VR adaptor if your GPU has the VR port which wittles 3 down to 1. Lightouses come with stands and can be set up in minutes.

Quality of titles is subjective too. Oculus doesn't have DoomVFR, SkyrimVR or FallOut4 which are THE bigest VR titles out there. Nothing on the Oculus Store competes with them. Then we have Valves VR titles which will start to appear later this year and Boneworks coming soon.

Lone Echo on the Oculus store is great and works even better with Valve Knuckles.

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:15

He wasn't asking about the Index. The choice was between a Vive and a Rift S.

Surely even a person such as your good self who's had Oculus kill their family and rape their dog would say that the Rift S is the better option out of the two?

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:15

You’re missing the point. Yes, the same out of the back of the pc, but with the Rift, that’s it. End of saga. Yet Index then requires you to source and utilise two additional power points. The lighthouses do not power themselves.

And, again, regarding the software, you are missing the point. I can step outside of Oculus and play Steam games with impunity. The same doesn’t apply in reverse, without messing about with a workaround, ie Revive. And the games you are listing are merely sold on the Steam store, not developed by them.

At the end of the day, I couldn’t give a rat’s arse which platform the op chooses. But if someone offered to save me five hundred quid for a similar final outcome, I’d be all ears.

Thug Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:15

Another thing to bear in mind is the issues that VR units with lighthouses (Vive, Primarks, Index, Odyssey etc) are having if you have a motion rig.
They are having trouble with earthing, and will show a grey screen if you touch the body of them.
Not sure why this is happening, but it is well documented.
Ok, this isn't going to effect 99.9% of people, but something to bear in mind.
The Rift CV1 and S doesn't have this issue, but the S does require more re-centering due to the inside out tracking being effected by motion.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:16

Youre missing the point @snowdog @bilbosmeggins

The OP didnt mention a budget and he might never of heard of the Index. Dont jump down my throat before you've even asked the guy.

So its worth pointing out a better solution than the Vive which is Index with Knuckle controllers.

But hey if hes only got £399 and doesn't care about the extra functions of the Index kit, sure go for the RiftS.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:16

Pretty sure I haven’t missed any point. When the op clearly states, “...can’t afford mistakes”, it’s fairly fair to assume that he’s not Alan Sugar. Therefore money clearly matters. And £920 is clearly a tidy sum. If he can afford it, and wiggling his fingers like it’s christmas appeals to him, then great! Buy an Index 

Krytenchannel Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:16

I have a strict £500 ceiling. So was asking which of the 2.Ordered the rift,tho trying a Vive at a gameshop on the way so i've seen both. The index is, sadly way out of my price bracket.
Thanks for all the replys people.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:17

Enjoy the RiftS. Its good value for money.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:17

Congratulations. Oh, and ignore some of the lively exchanges on here, including mine.Bottom line is that we are all very passionate about vr, but often see things from different angles, which is how it should be. Whichever of the big 3 you ended up with, all would have given you a stellar experience. Be sure to keep us updated with your impressions of vr 

scotthillier Publish time 2-12-2019 05:32:18

Vive every time, but only because I couldn't go back to having VR with a wire.If you're happy tethered I'd go for the newer tech.
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