Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:11

Another update...

Pimax 8K Progress Update

MikeKay1976 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:11

sounds like it is still a long way off the production model...... I knew a Jan launch was likely to be BS but in this instance i was hoping to be wrong....
on one hand so long as they get it right it is better than rushing a broken product

on the other hand the longer it goes until launch the tougher the competition is likely to be.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:12

I’m hoping for May.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:13

Pimax release an update for Beta Testers.

Hi Futurists,

Only those who spend hours a day in the virtual world and have tried out all types of headsets are eligible to claim what the best VR experience is.

We are glad to have a community full of such enthusiasts - many of you have witnessed the evolution of the home computer and consumer VR, even the early wave of VR headsets back in the 90's.

Like in all emerging industries, enthusiasts play a crucial role in pushing the boundaries of VR. In fact, the inspiration of Pimax 8K stems from the interactions with enthusiasts in this community. For the last two years, you have been contributing thoughts and feedback based on your experience with 4K, (and other headsets), which in turn has allowed us to build and shape 8K.

We are about to start a round of closed beta testing for the Pimax 8K M1 prototype. The goal is to have some of you to test the prototypes from both professional and enthusiast's perspective, and let the Pimax team know how the experience matches up to your expectations. All feedback, suggestions for minor tweaks, and of course your time, is greatly appreciated!

Here are the steps for the closed beta:

We will email our chosen testers to confirm their participation (around 10 in total, to account for availability of headsets and manageability of the program), starting this weekWe will start shipping to the testers as soon as M1 testing units are ready. Testers inform Pimax team when they have received the unitsShortly after, we will announce the testers in the forumTesters answer a standarized questionnaire from Pimax team - the questionnaire will let you know what stage to complete it at during testing and when to have it finished byTesters join the closed discussion and communicate with Pimax team - Login details for the closed forum will be shared alongside the questionnaire Testers agree on a release date that allows all testers to have time to organize the reviews - this can take place in the forumAfter the testing period is over and we head into the release day, testers can now answer questions engage in the open forum with the rest of the Pimax community about M1 and their experiencesBests,

The Pimax Team

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:14

Pimax update

Hi Futurists, here are few more updates for this month:

M1 closed beta

We have already sent invitations to 8 testers. We will send out the testing units as soon as finished. The name of the testers will be announced here after they have received the testing units. More info: About M1 closed beta

Controller ID

We made a few more tweaks this week, and it requires some time to review the new design. We will share the new ID with you asap.

Kickstarter stretch goal gifts

Free face cushion, VR frame will be shipped along with the headsets.

Additional headstrap with earphones and the cooling fan will be shipped in Q3.

3 free content, eye tracking is estimated to ship in Q4.

ArmitageShanks Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:15

If (and that's a big IF) it all works as intended, I'm not complaining. With HTC taking the pee on pricing lately, I can wait...

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:16

Exactly, just give me the HMD the rest can wait.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:17

Pimax Update. M1 unity’s ready for testing!

Hi Futurists - We got the first batch of trial assembly units from the factory yesterday, and we are now testing them in-house, testing is a very crucial step that we are taking seriously!

We have eight testers on board. The selected testers are actively preparing for the closed beta testing. They have already started to contribute thoughts to us in terms of how to improve the testing process, and how to make the community satisfied with the final product.

After testers receive the units, the team will have an in-depth discussion with them to evaluate the experience as a whole.

Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:18

Distant futurists.

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:19

And when they get the feedback from the closed beta how long will it take them to make any design changes?
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