jinder Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:44

On the manual it says if the home light is orange it is picking up less speed, and if it is red, it is under 50Mbps.

No extion leads on the homeplugs, no.

vonner Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:44

The Solwise plugs come with an app you can run on the desktop to list what plugs are on the network and what speeds they are running at .Do the D-Link ones come with this?If so, what does it say?

I've got a Homeplug that's a couple of rooms away from the main ones, and that always shows an orange Home light.It just connects at a lower speed, but that's because the router is in an extension we had built a few years ago, so there's some complicated wiring between them.EDIT: Yes you are getting red Home light and loss of network, from your original post.It could be the length of the wiring.Have you plugged any other appliances in between recently?Try unplugging as many things between them as you can, see what happens then.

jinder Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:44

The only CD it came with how to setup type thing.

The only thing I can thinnk of interferring is my AV Reciever. But still it fine for about a year and a half so why start now? Changed the channel and it seems to be fine now, green lights and all.

Even with red I was still getting really good download speeds. With 02 atm (Sky?) and on 65Mbps. is there need for any more though?? Some speeds seem ridiculous to that companies are offering.

gkf9 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:44

Well I've just this minute sent a pair of T Link pass through plugs back to Amazon.
Worked great streaming HD media to my Sumvison nano upstairs, BUT when they went into power saving mode, ( no data being transferred ) they were making a buzzing, humming noisewhich was unbearable when the room was quiet.

Don't know if they were faulty,even tho I've heard the same problem somewhere else, or it was my set up?

Anyway I've exchanged them for some Netgear Av 200 pass through. Hope these work and don't make any noise.

bubblegum57 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:45

Not sure if anyone is interested, but I bought a couple of cheapish500AV homeplugs with 3 ports & passthrough.

Max Value 500Mbps 3 Port Home Plug Adapter: Amazon.co.uk: Computers & Accessories

blacksheep99 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:45

Any good? What sort of sync speeds are you seeing

bubblegum57 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:45

Using LAN speed test lite

nas 100mb port to router 100mb port to homeplug 100m port via mains to other homeplug to laptop 100mb port

Writing 66.6408480reading 37.8767840 Mbps

It was just a quick test not sure how to measure synch speeds.

blacksheep99 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:45

Thanks for the info

blacksheep99 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:45

Looked at that homeplug a bit more and the info regarding which standard it uses is confusing. It states 1.0 but I thought it needed to be av2 to achieve 500mbs rating?I have netgear and tp link already so worried about compatibility

gkf9 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:46

Can I ask if you had any trouble with the Tp link homeplugs making a buzzing noise?
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