Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:59
I have two Solwise homeplugs Solwise - HomePlug 600AV2 Mains Passthrough - PL-600AV-SMT-PIGGY
I get 50mbit using lantest when plugged into different wall sockets, 150 mbit in the same wall socket. 150 mbit is great, but 50 mbit not quite enough.
Any tips for boosting speed? Or is this as good as I am likely to get?
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:59
Quite possibly as good as it gets.
You could try switching off potentially "noisy" devices (eg. phone chargers, fridge, TV etc.) to see if they are the cause of the slow performance, but obviously there's not much you can do as you need those items switched on (particularly the fridge/TV).
It could also just be the (poor?) quality of your properties mains wiring, or a problem in your junction/fuse box (number of circuits/ring mains, or contains a circuit breaker), but most likely excessive noise.
Maybe this article can help, although note it is aimed at an American audience.
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:59
Best tip I found was to try running one or both of the adapters off longer LAN cables, to try and get them to work together. Tried running a LAN cable downstairs from the router, and having the two homeplugs in adjacent rooms on the same floor; this gives me over 100mbit. Unfortunately none of the wall plates upstairs are any better than 50mbit though.
So not really resolved, but at least I've investigated a little.
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:27:59
Hi guys!!
Just purchased a TP-Link av600 PA6030KIT, and I think I might be experiencing the dreaded "power save" issue found in the previous 511 range.
Basically it works fine one day, then next day/overnight, all connected devices to unit B wouldn't have connectivity.
I don't suppose any of you here have heard about any particular problems with the av600 kits yet?
Thanks in advance!
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:28:00
I hope somebody can help please? Google hasn't really helped yet tho I probably asked the wrong question(?) but I know there's some very knowledgeable people here.
I'm sure I remember reading that you can run 2 or more different HP networks over the same ring main at the same time. Can somebody please confirm that for me?
Also, if you can run multiple HP networks on the same ring main, I want to run 2 side by side 4 HP's on 1 name/password and then 2 HP's on a different name/password. Is there a big performance penalty or other hidden issues I need to consider?
Many thanks in advance
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:28:00
Answer(s) found on Netgear's website....all good 
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:28:00
I just have a quick question if anyone can help please. Can't find an answer to it!
If I plug my router into a homeplug, can I still use the ethernet ports on the router? Or do they become disabled once the router is connected to the plug? My PS4 and Sky Box are still close to the router, so to save buying a multiport plug for 1 room, I was going to keep using my router for certain things.
Cheers in advance!
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:28:00
You can happily plug it in and have no worries about it disabling any ports on your router. Well, unless your router is having a bad router day and is going south. 
I have my PS4 and NAS drive plugged directly into my router and then a HP plugged in and finally a 8 port switch too and everything works seamlessly.
Member 328449
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:28:00
Want to buy some home plugs. Will be used with my gigabit TP Link router to connect to my nas, Xbox one and sky box. Hopefully fibre available soon so need to be compatible with that. I do a lot of streaming of high bit rate x264 files. What's recommended?
Publish time 2-12-2019 04:28:01
I ended up using the BT Extender 500's and thus far they have been excellent. Lost absolutely no speed whatsoever around the house. A little pricey, but worth it for sure.