JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:09

Hey Mr. Terfyn,
Actually, the concern is that the Mic on the Camcorder is, first of all, Mono. By that is meant, it's just picking up the Sound coming out of all the Speakers at one point in the Studio.

Second, The Crystalume has TWO Cooling Fans, The Scryer has its Cooling Fans, and to keep me cool, there is a Box Fan blowing on me. This is necessary because the Spindler Sauppe's Sylvania BRN 1200 Watt Bulb puts out a BUNCH of heat. So the sound of the Fans running is a significant amount of "noise".

The Speakers are The Scryer's Harmon Kardin Speakers. They sound good considering that they are not very big. They aren't anything like the AllisonWonderland Concert Sound System. BUT, not only is there not enough room in the Vusic Studio for more Speaker, Amps, and Mixers, it is totally unnecessary to have THAT kind of sound available.

As for tapping the Amp running the Speakers, the Amp is either in the Harmon Kardin Speakers, OR it may be in The Scryer. So the answer to your questions is: I don't rightly know.

Right. It would be GREAT to actually have a "proper&correct" sound set-up for recording. The limiting factor is, as in so many cases, BUDGET. But we'll get whatever is necessary.

Will have to find out about THAT, but we'll do whatever has to be done.

Anyway, thanks for the response and advice. Nice to see you again.

Take care.


MarkE19 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:09

What is the make & model of the amp? I can have a look and see what connections it has.


JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:10

Hey MarkE,
This would be GREAT. It's right at the upper edge of the budget, but could be faded if necessary.

Am thinking that there is a 3.5mm Plug in The Scryer's Audio OUT, that goes to the Harmon Kardin speakers. Am thinking that it would depend on from where I would hear the Audio. Can either hear it from the Speakers, or hear it on Headphones.

This unit is well within the Budget. If Headphones were used, we'd have only the Head-Worn Microphone picking up the din caused by the Cooling Fans. BTW, have mentioned previously that there is a Shure SM58 Microphone here already.

All right. With this information in hand, we'll see what we can get together. It eases my concerns about if it was even possible. Before springing for anything though, would like to have everything clear in my head. Most likely will have some more questions.

Anyway, thanks again for the response. Hope you are well.

Take care.


MarkE19 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:10

Using the cheaper line mixer I linked to I would suggest you take the output from the Scryer using a 3.5mm stereo jack to 2 phono cable (such as this https://www.amazon.co.uk/UGREEN-Smartphone-Theater-Amplifier-Receiver/dp/B079L48B5G/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1531072903&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=jack to phono cable&psc=1) to the mixers 2 Track phono inputs. You then have the choice of using headphone or send the signal on to the amp & speakers

I use this headset for Skype meetings at work. It is fairly cheap but reasonably good quality so may be fine for your use, depending on what quality you are after
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Microsoft-2AA-00009-LifeChat-LX-2000-Headset/dp/B009NOX1EQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1531073135&sr=8-2&keywords=skype headset&refinements=p_89:Microsoft
Connect this headset to the mixer (mic input and headphone output) and you can then route both audio signal back to the camcorders mic input.
You will need to use an attenuated cable between the mixer & camcorder as mentioned by Terfyn as the mixer output is much higher level than the mic input on the camcorder can accept. Something like this
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Movo-MV-RC100-Microphone-Attenuator-Cameras/dp/B01GW69IQ2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1531073316&sr=8-1&keywords=attenuation cable
With this type of adapter to connect it to the mixer
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Stereo-Socket-6-35mm-Adapter-Converter/dp/B07B2XH84B/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1531073498&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=2 mono jack plugs to stereo 3.5mm socket&psc=1

And hopefully you will be good to go.


JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:11

Hey MarkE,
Carefully read your post. Accessed each link, and read them carefully. Am VERY confident that it was all understood. This is EXACTLY the kind of assistance sought. Thank you so VERY much.

Almost all the links you provided had a caveat in them that they don't ship to USA from the UK, but that was no problem, as searches were done for each and every item, and were subsequently found on Amazon USA.

Was confident enough that what you recommended would work that all five items were ordered, and the total (with free shipping) came to only $100.64! Everything is supposed to arrive on July 16.

Night before last, while contemplating what is being done here, an epiphany type vision came revealing HOW to make the Lumpit. It's thunderstorming here again today, but should be over in a couple of hours. Am planning on getting out to the SAYCO Hardware store for three PVC Pipe Caps with which to make the Arrays that will (hopefully) produce the Lumpits. Will just have to wait and see.

Anyway, again... Thanks for the EXPERT counseling. You're really good at it.  Tell your better half that I said THAT!

Take care.


MarkE19 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:11

You will almost certainly need an additional 2 jack adapters to connect the headphones/mic to the mixer. The headphones/mic are both 3.5mm jacks and the mixer has 1/4" jacks sockets - stereo for both headphones and mic but the mixers mic input is only mono.
Something like this - https://www.amazon.com/RiteAV-4-Inch-3-5mm-Female-Adapter/dp/B000V1R92U (I even remembered to look on Amazon US site this time  ).


JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:11

Hey MarkE,
Not to worry!

There are already TWO 1/4" Stereo Jack (Male) to 3.5mm Stereo Plug (Female) Adapters here! 

Very thoughtful. Thank you.

Am awaiting a delivery from United Parcel Service (UPS). Don't have to actually WATCH. All that has to be done is check the UPS Tracking Number. When an item is delivered, it is electronically indicated, and instantaneously comes up on the UPS Tracking Website.

Have just checked to see if the Time/Date Display in the Panasonic Camcorder is still functional. It is happily counting the seconds away.

Was out earlier today to see if some PVC Pipe Caps could be had from SAYCO Hardware. Alas, 'twas not to be. So necessity being the mother of invention, am checking every can, plastic bottle, and etc., for Inside Diameter. It may come down to actually fabricating what is needed. Won't be the first time.

In doing this part of the Lumit production, have had an insight into another possibility: A Lens Cap that has TWELVE 1/4" Holes drilled in it, and then each Hole counter-sunk from the outside. Then on the inside of the Lens Cap, there would be a piece of different Colored Gel over each of the 1/4" Holes. The Lens Cap could then be played like a "Recorder" or "Wood Flute", by having fingers over the Holes, and when the Hole is uncovered, a beam of colored light would be emitted.

[Considered the analogy of Color-Hues to Tone-Keys. Both Isaac Newton, and Christiaan Huygens made up lists of Color-to-Tone correspondence. The difference in the two was that Newton said that Red=A, while Huygens maintained that Red=C (that MAY be backward), but in either instance, there are twelve Tones (A,A#,B,C,C#,D,D#,E,F, F#,G, and G#. And twelve Hues (Red, Red-Orange, Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow, Chartreuse, Green, Turquoise, Blue, Blue-Violet (sometimes called Purple), Violet, and Red-Violet). "Shade" and "Tints" are made by adding either Black or White to a Hue. Volume=Brightness. There is a bit of a problem with this though. For while there are many octaves of sound, there is only one octave of color. Have always considered the idea that the higher the tone, the more tinted the equivalent color would be. The more bass the tone, the more shaded the equivalent color would be. BTW, all of this is, among those who even care about it, a raging controversy.]

Using the foregoing, and having the Lens Cap with Colored Light Emanating from the Holes when they were uncovered, would permit the explicit playing of the equivalent Hues to correspond to the equivalent Tones in the Audio. That is not done presently with The Crystalume. Might be interesting!

Anyway, again... Thanks for the thoughtful response. Things are moving right along.

Take care,


JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:12

Hey All,
Am sitting here feeling VERY smug!

In the search for a suitable Lens Cap for The Crystalume's Lens System, the bag after bag of the past twenty years of medication bottles were checked. There are a number of different size containers. The ones that the Ursodeoxycholic Acid came in are a PERFECT fit!And there is an abundant supply of them! Going to be able to experiment to my heart's content! This is just another indication that if things happen when they're supposed to happen, that this is supposed to be happening NOW.

Next, the ION Video 2 PC HD High Definition Digital Video Converter arrived yesterday. REALLY spiffy little unit. It comes with a Composite Video, and an S-Video Cable with which to connect it to a Camcorder. Then the ION Unit connects to a PC via a USB Connector! Pretty slick!

We are now awaiting the arrival of the Amazon USA Equipment recommended by MarkE, that will connect the Camcorder's Mic Port to The Scryer's Audio, along with the head-worn Microphone/Headphone. That should be arriving next week between July 16th and 19th.

There is one LAST thing that needs to be figured out, and that is: How to Connect The Scryer to the Sceptre X32 TV, so that after recording The Crystalume, the finished product can be viewed on the Sceptre TV.

Presently the Sceptre TV is connected to the Panasonic Camcorder via Composite Video Cables making it possible to watch what is being recorded to The Scryer (via Firewire to the Windows Movie Maker's capture function) on the Sceptre WHILE playing The Crystalume.

Presently, can watch the finished recording on the Dell 27" Monitor that is connected to The Scryer.

Am uncertain that there is another OUT from The Scryer that could be sent to the Sceptre, but some time ago, there was a 50" RCA Flat Screen TV connected to The Scryer via an HDMI Cable. Don't remember if it AND the Dell Monitor were BOTH connected at the SAME TIME though. Am going to have to survey both the back of The Scryer for a suitable OUT Port, AND the Sceptre for an available IN Port.

Nonetheless, everything is coming together.

During the evening contemplation yesterday, the realization that there is going to have to be a scheduled daily practice session on The Crystalume instituted, just like when I was learning to play Piano, and Guitar. Am thinking that THAT will have to happen in the early morning hours during the Summer to allay the effects of the elevated temperatures so prevalent here. Then in the Winter, will be able to do the practice session in the middle of the day when it's not so cold.

Anyway, hope that this finds everyone doing well, and taking excellent care. Will keep you all updated if, when, and as progress occurs.


JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:13

Hey All,
When we last left The Crystalume, it had malfunctioned as described in Post 75 of this Thread, and the last thing that was said about it was:

"What to do? Am going to have to take the Projector Module off of the Crystalume, take the SSSP out of the Projection Module, Take it apart to see WHY the Switch isn't turning off when in the Down Position. "It's always something." (Roseanne Roseannadanna) Will let you know how it goes."

All right, here is the skinny on this glitch:

Took the Spindler Sauppe Slide Projector out of The Crystalume, and removed the Slide Change Section. Carefully surveyed the WONDROUS complexity.

There is an Electric Motor driving a small Gear, which is driving a larger Gear, which has a small Gear sharing its Axle, which is driving a larger Gear, which has a small Gear sharing its Axle, which is driving a similar sized Gear which is connected to an Arm that moves another WONDROUSLY complex mechanism, that moves a Part in a Guide which in turn activates another Arm which moves the Slides into the Light Beam.

Once the Slide is in the Light Beam, an INTERNAL Switch that makes possible the flow of Electricity to the Sylvania BRN Halogen Bulb, is in its ON Position.

When the Three Position EXTERNAL Switch is put into the DOWN Position, this retracts the Slide from the Light Beam, AND moves the INTERNAL Switch into its OFF Position removing the Electricity from BRN Bulb, but leaving the Cooling Fans still receiving Electricity to cool the now darkened BRN Bulb.

The problem was: The Guide in which the Part that activates the Arm which moves the Slide into the Light beam had a Lubricant that had become GUMMY, gluing the Arm to the Guide.

Taking this Mechanism apart, and cleaning the GUMMY Lubricant off with Lacquer Thinner freed up the entire Mechanism.

It was at this point in the procedure that the Summer Heat here in Deep East Texas overcame my energy&focus, and work was halted till it was cool enough to work again, which happened to be this morning.

Last Evening's Contemplation involved the "grokking" of the WONDROUS Slide Chain Mechanism, and it became clear that IT was only necessary IF one was using Slides, which is not the case with The Crystalume. The only thing that the SSSP is required to do is produce a Light Beam.

So this morning, a careful check of the situation revealed that the ENTIRE Slide Chain Mechanism could be removed, which would GREATLY simplify the functioning of the SSSP.

Since the task was left yesterday with the Slide Chain Mechanism removed for cleaning, this morning, the SSSP was reassembled without reinstalling the Slide Chain Mechanism.

The SSSP was once again installed in The Crystalume. The Cooling Fan Cable was connected to the SSSP as was the Electrical Supply Cable.

Now came the TEST. The Three Position EXTERNAL Switch was in the CENTER Position. The BRN Bulb is NOT burnng. The Cooling Fans are not blowing.

The EXTERNAL Switch was then put into the DOWN Position. The Cooling Fans were activated, WITHOUT the BRN Bulb burning.

The EXTERNAL Switch was then put into the UP Position. The BRN Bulb started burning, AND the Cooling Fans were activated.

Conclusion: The Crystalume is BACK! 

Am awaiting the arrival of the Audio Equipment that MarkE, and Mr. Terfyn recommended. It is all supposed to be here Thursday, July 19, 2018, but suspect that it will arrive before then.

Once it is all installed (which may entail some answered questions), the plan is to start practicing each morning as soon as the fixing of the Cat's Breakfast is finished. That's the coolest part of the day here.

In the meantime, there are some interesting advancement involved with Lens Caps, that now that The Crystalume is once again functional, can proceed.

Will keep you all updated if, when, and as progress occurs.

Take care everyone.


MarkE19 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:14

Wow, I'm exhausted just reading that 

Well looks like you are back on track so keep us updated with your progress 

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