JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:29

Hey Mr. Terfyn,
QUESTION: Is there a protocol about Headphones/Microphone Connector Colors? The Caliphone Headphones/Microphone Set has TWO 3.5mm Male Stereo Jacks. One is Red, the other is Black. Which one is the Microphone? And which one is the Headphones? Am not sure that having them plugged in wrong when the XENYX502 is turned on WOULDN'T damage something. Might be over worrying this, but one never knows.

Have gotten the Clear Glass Discs epoxied into the Cinnamon Container Lids/Lens Caps. Have gotten the Stained Glass Window Paint applied to the Clear Glass Discs mounted in the Cinnamon Container Lids/Lens Caps. Am having to let it cure, and will be giving them a second coat to deepen the Colors. It's coming out quite nicely.

Anyway, temperatures here is in the low 90s. Hope it stays that way for a while.

Hope you are well.


Terfyn Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:30

I'm guessing but the red one is the microphone. Sometimes they have tiny symbols on the plugs.
On mine pink is for the mic and green for the headphones.

JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:30

Hey Mr. T,
Will assume that the Red is the Mic then.

I'll take a look with the 10X Magnifying Headset.

Pink = Red
Green = Black

Well, have had an unproductive couple of hours trying to drain the Water Heater!

Have a Hose running from the Spigot near the bottom of the Unit to the Shower Stall (nearest ground level drain). Opened the Lavatory, Shower, and Kitchen Sink Hot Water Faucets. Opened the Spigot. It tries to drain, but doesn't do very well. Thought maybe there is sediment in the bottom of the Tank. Closed all the Faucets and turned on the Water TO the Heater.

Got a GREAT Flow!

There WAS some sediment, but not much. Turned OFF the Water TO the Heater, and opened all the Hot Water Faucets again.

Barely a trickle.

Have closed the Spigot near the bottom of the Unit. Closed the Hot Water Faucets, and am going to do some research on how this should be done.

Such a deal!

Anyway, thanks for response. We'll see.

Take care.


JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:32

Hey Mr. Terfyn,
Just got back from the Post Office where was picked up the Two RCA Mono Male TO 3.5mm Stereo Female Adapter Cable. Spiffy little Unit! Got it installed on the XENYX502 2-TRACK OUT Sockets and the Altec Lansing Speakers connected.

Looked at the Red and Black Connectors on the Caliphone Headphone/Microphone Set. There are NO symbols indicating which is which. Am proceeding with the assumption that Red = Microphone.

BTW, the Caliphone Headphone/Microphone Set was ordered on Monday. Order was confirmed on Monday. Got a notice from UPS on Monday that it was due to be delivered on Tuesday. It WASdelivered on Tuesday. Just a while ago, got a notice (today, Thursday) from eBay that it had just shipped, along with a UPS Tracking Number. Checked the Tracking Number, and it says the Item was delivered on Tuesday!!! Have to say that eBay is HOT with minus two-day delivery! It won't be long before they'll start delivering stuff BEFORE it is ordered! 

One last thing... The Bheringer XENYX502 doesn't have a ON/OFF Switch! Am I missing something? Should the Power Supply be unplugged from the Electrical Outlet? Or maybe the Power Supply be unplugged from the XENYX502? Or maybe just let it be ON all the time? What do YOU do?

Anyway, have just finished the run to the Post Office and Grocery Store. Have done some maintenance on the Kitty Kastle (that's where my five felines live), and NOW am going to give emptying the Water Heater another try. Temperature here is 98 Degrees F. 

Hope YOU are doing well.

Take care.


MarkE19 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:32

A quick time out from the family to answer some of your points.

It is said to hit an all time high temp in London tomorrow. Previous high was 101 so we are in the same region temp wise as you.

1. Plug = Male =
2. Socket = Female = Port =
Basically 1. fits into 2. and so as long as the term used as long as it follows this basic description and is understood then it is 'correct'.
Or more likely they will be charging you money for something you are yet to order 

As far as the mixer not having a power switch. These devices only draw a low level of power so shouldn't get too hot or waste too much power if left plugged in. So it is really up to you to decide when it should be unplugged.

Oh well, back to the family. See you soon.


Kev Greenhalgh Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:33

It's hotter than a wombats butty box, up here in rainy Manchester. 
@MarkE19 Have a great holiday 

@JCAllison Keep at it JC. All the best. 

JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:34

Hey Mark,
Actually, your temperatures are going to be a bit above what they are here. What's the humidity there? We're usually, due to moisture from the Gulf of Mexico, and the respiration from the Pine Trees, in the 80 to 100% range.

Am sure you are aware of the "Climate Change" controversy. There are those who say the record temperatures are a portent of something going on that is being caused by the Human species.

Others say it is just the weather which changes all the time.

There is a full range or spectrum of opinion, with no one being able to say with any definiteness what is real.

I have an axiom: "Truth is that which confirms MY suspicions." Right now, I suspect that no one REALLY knows what is ACTUALLY happening, and what is going on is, as JBS Haldane said: "Not only queerer than we think, but queerer than we CAN think."

Back when the Internet was young... There was a part of it that was really interesting called "UseNet". It was comprised of what were called "NewsGroups" which were literally tens of thousands of "bulletin boards" with no moderators. One could say ANYTHING with impunity. It was kind of the "Wild West" of the WWW. The UseNet has morphed into what is now called "Google Groups".

Back then I found an empty UseNet NewsGroup called , and began posting messages to myself under a bunch of different names (which were called "Sock Puppets"). Would post messages like:

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
I'm solipsistic,
And so am I!

It wasn't long before others showed up andtook off with some really fun stuff being discussed. I sometimes look back on those discussions nostalgically. Here is a link to THAT NG:

Google Groups

For anyone reading today, it may sound as if it is the veriest of nonsense.

The reason for mentioning it is that as the "Director of Solipsism Central, Where the DreamTeam Holds Forth as the Wittiest NewsGroup on the Whole World Wide Web", I came to have the reputation of being "THE Solipsist".

For those who don't know what solipsism is, it is the belief that existence is a psychological event, like a dream.

There are three explanations for existence: The Scientific Explanation: Everything came into existence at the Big Bang.

The Religious Explanation: A God created everything.

And The Solipsistic Explanation: Existence is a DREAM.

Some think that they are the dreamer, and that existence is a product of their psyche.

Others think that existence is being dreamed by a "Cosmic Universal Mind".

The foregoing is an explanation of the suspicion that what is happening with all the strangeness going on around the world is beyond what can reasonably be comprehended. Also, it may not always be pleasant, but it is never uninteresting.

Felt kind of silly after making the post about connectors, because I didn't think to do a search about it before it was posted. Turns out that there is a very nice Wikipedia article about it.

To get stuff from Internet Vendors, have set up a separate Debit Card Account. There is just enough in it to get what is ordered. Can't be charged for stuff that isn't ordered because the funds are not deposited until it is known how much something will cost to buy and ship.

An occasional search is done about something of which I want to know the price. Then for a couple of days after that, there are advertisements on all the Websites that are visited offering articles that fit the search parameters appear.

Kind of like the Modem, or the Speakers. They are just left on. Have seen discussions about which is harder on the Equipment, leaving stuff running, as opposed to turning it ON and OFF. Will probably just leave the XENYX502 running.

All right. Thanks for taking the time away from your vacation to respond. Hope YOU are well, and able to stay cool.

Take care.


MarkE19 Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:34

Humidity is a mear 40% here so I'd guess it is a lot more bearable than you have


JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:35

Hey Mark,
We NEVER see only 40% Humidity. Even when there is a dry air mass over the area, the respiration of the Pine Trees goes UP! Humidity ABOVE the tree tops might possibly be lower, but down on the ground it's ALWAYS muggy.

Notice in the attachment that your temperature was 31 degrees Celcius. That's only 87.8 degrees Farenhiet. Did London get to 38.8889 C (102 F)?

Anyway, am in the process of installing a NEW Water Heater. Today's MAIN project is scrubbing the floor in the Water Heater Closet, and am taking the opportunity to do the WHOLE floor in the Spa Room. Am going to try to get this all done before it gets too hot.

Get back to your vacation and try to stay cool! 


JCAllison Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:36

Hey Mr. KG,
"A Wombats butty box"?

Have had a bit of a distraction. The Water Heater began leaking some time ago, and have been in the process of replacing it for the past week. Am rationalizing the spending of a lot of time completely cleaning the Spa Room in which is the Water Heater Closet is located by doing it while awaiting the arrival of a couple of 3.5mm Stereo Female TO 1/4" Stereo Male Audio Cables which will be used to connect the Headphone/Microphone Set to the XENYX502. The Cable are due to arrive this coming Thursday. Am aiming at having the Water Heater Project finished by then.

Also, next Friday will find all efforts turned to doing something that has been in the works since last January. You may or may not know, but I have, since June 6, 1986 been the care-taker of Ms. American 3.14159, the ONLY 1964 Ford Galaxie 500, Four-Door, Hard-Top, Fast-Back, Police Interceptor that Google find on the WHOLE World Wide Web. You can see the old Gal here:

MS. AMERICAN 3.14159

Am going to (if everything goes well), be getting her Insurance, Inspection, and Licensing on August 3, 2018, after having finally gotten her into tip-top shape.

In the meantime, have been relying on my sweetheart, Lorrie Van Haul, the last surviving 1967 Dodge P200 Postal Van out of 3,500 built. Lorrie can be seen here:

MS. AMERICAN 3.14159

Ms. American is hopefully going to exhibit her old reliability after having undergone a complete Front Suspension, Brake System, and Carburetor Restorations (including the installation of a Manual Choke Mechanism).

This is all in preparation to have transportation so that when the weather cools, the rebuilding ofLorrie Van Haul's Front Suspension and Steering can proceed apace.

BTW, these two Classic Vehicles are world famous for their rarity. One is the only one of its kind ever built, and the other is the only one of its kind still in existence (as explained in the above referenced webpages).

So today, am going to have to be going out in Lorrie Van Haul to do the weekly errand running, and shopping. Also, am having to do the work on the Water Heater in the morning, as after about 11:00 a.m. it is just too hot and humid here to do anything physical.

Anyway Mr. G, thanks for all the "likes", and the response. Hope this finds YOU doing well, and taking excellent care.

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