Publish time 2-12-2019 02:15:55
Hey MarkE,
Got The Scryer to do this! Alas, once it was done, it was running in "Safe Mode", tried to boot Windows Movie Maker,, and got a notice saying that "Windows Movie Maker could not start because The Scryer's Video Card does not support the level of hardware acceleration!"
Correct! Device Manager says that the Firewire Card is functioning normally.
Actually, am NOT wanting to "capture" from the Playback/VCR. Am wanting to capture LIVE Video from the Camera!
ALRIGHT!!! Enough of this barely containable prattle! 
Am sitting here all GIDDY!!!
Followed all the Instruction in the Link you sent about the LEGACY Driver. Got The Scryer to download said LEGACY Driver. Got it installed. Turned on the Panasonic Camcorder and confirmed that it was indeed being sensed by The Scryer. Booted Windows Movie Maker. Told it to capture from the Camcorder.
WONDER OF WONDERS!!! WMM asked me for a File Name, and where to put it. Then prompted me to start the Capture. Did that, and...
This went on for about 20 seconds.
Stopped the Capture and told WMM to Finish.
Up came a Window with the File Name.
Double clicked it, and what had just been captured, came up in the Preview Window! Fingers wiggling about all over the place! 
Went through the same routine again.
Gave it the same file name with "02" added.
It did what it had done the time before.
You see MarkE, Terfyn, 12Harry, and everyone else? Everything happens when it's supposed to happen.
We're now READY to start, to begin, to proceed, to see if we can make some Crystalume Videos.
Don't know how to thank you all for all the GREAT assistance. Would NEVER had done all this just off the top of my head. If it weren't for joining AVF, we'd still be languishing in abject failure to succeed. This is the beginning of a dream come true!
Now to thank you all, am going to start making Videos.
Am thinking that once WMM gets The Crystalume Images into The Scryer, that they can then be edited in VideoMeld, and actually multi-tracked. The AllisonWonderland MAY finally fulfill the destiny that has kept it alive since 1967!!! It's FINALLY going to be (after fifty-one years), an "over-night" success! 
Also, The Panasonic Camcorder's Time/Date setting is STILL functioning! For what more can one ask?
Anyway, am now going to do some more to make sure that it can be done again.
Thanks again to all here. This has been a GREAT DAY!
Publish time 2-12-2019 02:15:56
Looks like you are up and running //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif
So not just seeing the images but actually recording - and no need to spend any more money 
Is it too late to cancel the S-Video to USB adapter as it seems this will not be required.
See there is a use for all the time I waste I mean spend on this forum, please let my wife know as she is not convinced 
Stop wasting your time here, go and get some video's made 
Keep us informed of progress and hopefully we will get to see the results of your efforts soon.
Good luck with moving the project forward
Publish time 2-12-2019 02:15:57
Brilliant and the very best of luck.
Publish time 2-12-2019 02:15:58
Hey MarkE,
No only THAT, but did a test to see if the Sound would also record. To start with, just started babbling. It picked it up! Had to do some adjusting of the Volume.
THEN, wanted to see if The Scryer would play back Audio WHILE recording the Video. So went to the "My Stage" website where some of my Music is published, put it on, and did some Video Capture while the Music played. ABSOLUTELY no problem. The Mic on the Camcorder picked up the Sound.
Played it back and it was just fine.
Went to Task Manager, and checked to see what the "Performance" says about the CPU. Would you believe 3% CPU Usage.
Probably not too late, but am not going to do that. Have already got the Budget compensated, and who knows, that stuff might come in handy as we progress here. We're moving by LEAPS AND BOUNDS!
Just wait and see what is planned for all this! We MAY be making history here. You MAY get to be a historical character before this is finally done! BTW, has it been mentioned that I'm a megalomaniac? 
Mrs. MarkE, YOU have a SUPER husband! If what is planned happens, he might not only become FAMOUS, but HISTORICAL as well. Will just have to wait and see. What will be will be. Time will tell. Signed: JC
Much to do between now and THAT happening, but at the rate we're going, it shouldn't be all that long.
There's still more to know, and there are many more questions that need answering.
Have started learning VideoMeld. Found that it, like Windows Movie Maker will Capture from the Camcorder. BUT, either one puts the Video Files in the Video Folder on The Scryer's 3.5 TB HDD's E: Partition, so it actually doesn't matter which one is used.
Still, HOW to use VideoMeld hasn't yet come clear. It will do stuff that WMM won't, like multiple images, each at 100%, on the SAME screen at the same time
Thanks. With the help that is available here at AVF, we'll hopefully get this up and running, and then there won't be any end of it till time is up! To quote Badfinger in their hit song "Carry On", "The world and all its colors will be mine!" 
Stay tuned.
Publish time 2-12-2019 02:15:58
Hey Mr. T,
Thanks. Have been struggling with this since 1967! Then here at AVF, we've progressed light years in just eleven days!
Anyway, am really stoked. Am going to have to take a bit of a break, but what we've accomplished today is remarkable. Thanks for YOUR help.
Hope this finds YOU doing well.
Publish time 2-12-2019 02:15:58
I just did a quick Google on 'Videomeld Tutorial' and it looks like there are plenty of Youtube videos and their own FAQ's etc. So you should be able to get to grips (well the basics at least) with the software fairy quickly.
Kev Greenhalgh
Publish time 2-12-2019 02:15:59
I'm loving this thread, I'm just completely captivated by it.  Keep on truckin' JC.
Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:00
Hey MarkE,
There's are TWO YouTube Videos referenced in the VideoMeld's HELP Facility. They are succinct, direct, but go a little too fast for me to keep up with. But they're "rewindable", so am going to be trying everything. Soon.
Right. VideoMeld is a lot like the Cakewalk Home Studio Producer Music Software here. Easy to do, except have had a bit of an issue with the M-Audio Delta 1010LT Audio Card. The problem is MUCH like what we were running into with the IEEE 1394 Drivers. But it is close to being worked out.
At this point, am just going to go ahead and detail this, in case someone here MIGHT (it wouldn't surprise me one bit!) have some suggestions: Turns out, the M-Audio Delta 1010LT is a "Legacy" class Audio Card. Tried to get it to work with Windows 7, but it wouldn't.
When it was originally acquired (it was a gift), it got installed in a Windows 2000 Machine (The Scorcher), and worked right off! Then, when The Scorcher got upgraded to Windows 7 Home, the Delta 1010LT WOULDN'T work. So, since it WOULD work with The Scorcher and Win2K, and since The Scorcher isn't needed to do anything other than Music Production, The Scorcher got "wiped", and Win2K reinstalled.
Then found that the M-Audio Delta1010LT Software had been put somewhere where I wouldn't forget where it was, and I couldn't remember where that was! But, not to worry. Found a COMPLETE set of Delta 1010 LT Software in Israel! Got it for $13.00 and $25.00 shipping by "Israel Post".
So now, the Delta 1010LT is all set up, but have found that I can't remember how to hook up all the MIDI Equipment!
The MIDI Equipment is as follows:
Yamaha QX-21 Sequencer
Yamaha FB-01 Synthesizer
Yamaha RX-15 Rhythm Generator
Yamaha PF-15 Digital Piano with a Forte' Retrofit which turned the PF-15 into a MIDI Controller.
Peavy MTB 3X4 MIDI Through Box
This all connects to a :
Yamaha MR 1642, Sixteen Channel Mixing Console.
The Mixer is connected to the Delta 1010LT's Eight INs which sends it to the Cakewalk Home Studio Producer Software in The Scorcher. The Cakewalk then sends the Produced Music back to the Mixer through the Delta 1010LT's Eight OUTs.
The Mixer then sends the signal to a Crown Micro-Tech 400 Watt per Channel Stereo Amplifier which powers two Custom Built Speaker Stacks, each comprised of: Two JBL CW15" Transducers in a 1'-0" Exponential Horn, Low-Mid-Range Cabinet, an Atlas Cast Iron Horn w/ an ElectroVoice Driver for Upper-Mid-Range section, and 12 Piezo Electric Horns in the High Frequency Cabinet.
The Mixer also sends a signal to a Macintosh 2200, bridged to Mono putting out 400 Watts driving a JBL 18" Transducer in a Road Bass Reflex Cabinet. This is the AllisonWonderland Concert Lightshow Sound System.
For here, in the Sound/Music Studio, there are also two JBL G731 Floor Monitors that are used instead of the Speaker Stacks, though we still use the 18" Road Bass Speaker for recording.
It's just going to take futzing with it to get it all to working again, but am finding that the Energy and Focus necessary is waning as age creeps up on me. Aging is NOT for sissies.
The reason that it has not been futzed with already is because the Television System has been taking up all the Energy and Focus, and before that, it was the rebuilding of the Front Suspension of Ms. American 3.14159, the 1964 Ford Galaxie 500, Four-Door, Hard-Top, Fast-Back, Police Interceptor.
Anyway, have just gotten in from the monthly blood test, picking up the Utility Bills, and doing the Grocery Shopping. Am resting up, and will be learning VideoMeld this afternoon if the Energy and Focus can be mustered. It's not like there's nothing to do around here.
Hope this finds YOU having had a GREAT weekend. Take care.
Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:00
Hey Mr. KG,
Thanks for the kind words. Even though we've gotten the Television System to working, there is still lots to talk about, and will be doing that since it is mostly on-topic and relevant to the AVForum.
Have just this morning, after having alerted Crystalume students of the success we've had getting the Television System working, received an E-Mail from one of them (Kent Skinner, in Dallas, Texas) telling me that his oldest son Zane, has evinced the desire to learn how to play Crystalume. This is a THIRD generation Student coming up. Another Crystalumist (Jeane Z. Champion in Atlanta, Georgia) has an eight year old daughter that is also playing her mother's Crystalume.
So things are moving along. "Truckin'" you might say!
Anyway, thanks for response. Stay tuned.
Publish time 2-12-2019 02:16:01
Feel free to keep posting about the audio side of the setup in here - it is your thread afterall 
However you may get more knowledgeable assistance in the musicians section of the forum - Pro Audio and Musicians Forum