TvFinder Publish time 1-12-2019 22:43:34

Thank you so much! 
However I changed for Panasonic 42" GT50.
I hope that this tv can provide colors and contrast that I am looking for...
...waiting for the delivery...

hristoslav2 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:43:35

A great choice! 

TvFinder Publish time 1-12-2019 22:43:36

I perfectly remember that you were pushing me to Plasma last year.
I have tried differnt led models and i am still looking for the new tv.
Now I am tired and I moved to Plasma.

Btw, do you know why i can find models like 42GT50B as well as 42GT50E?

Thanks for all your inputs along all this period.

hristoslav2 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:43:37

last letter is a regional functions:
42GT50B - Britain /3-pin-plug British version/
42GT50E -Europa (Continental)

Look at the first post,47953.0.html

sodaliquid Publish time 1-12-2019 22:43:37

hi guys,

does anyone have information about the panel in the Samsung UE55ES6900? made by Samsung?


Chicolom Publish time 1-12-2019 22:43:38

Hi hristoslav2!Wonderful thread, thanks for all the work you've done.

I have a couple questions:

1)You may have already answered this, but what panels are in the Samsung 2012 40 inch 40EH5000.This seems like an ideal choice as it uses full array LEDs instead of edge lit, and it isn't too expensive as it cuts out 100-120hz processing (which I think you said isn't that useful anyways).

2)Is looking at the "Version number" on the outside box label useful for finding which panel it has while your still in the store?Or do you still have to look at the LCD label itself or the service menu.

3)Do you have any other recommendations for 40 inch panels with good black levels/high contrast (S-PVA?)

I see there is also a new 38.6" samsung model, 39EH5003.This seems like a very strange screen size so I'm suspicious who makes that panel, as I know S-LCD doesn't even make 37 inch panels.

I'm in USA by the way, hopefully that doesn't screw things up.Thanks!

hristoslav2 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:43:38


Hi Chicolom

1) I dont know - sorry...
Samsung LCD & OLED TV / FAQ -

2) Only in service menu.
In some models 2012, the tailgate has a small screw cap tackle. If you take off the lid you can see adhesive label on the videopanel.

3) I am not familiar with American models, so I'll write you a European models such matrices.
Sony KDL-40HX850 or 40HX750,
Philips 40PFL7007K or 40PFL5507K,
Toshiba 40UL933 or 40SL933

4)Chimei Innolux or AUO
inch LCD Panel List (16341 models) -[]=39

Chicolom Publish time 1-12-2019 22:43:39

Thanks for the reply hristoslav2!That helps 

S-PVA still has the lead in LCD black level and contrast ratio, right?There are no AMVA5 panels out yet or anything better?

hristoslav2 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:43:39

Look at this post to learn how to understand what matrices are placed in Toshiba TV

1. S-PVA
2. UV2A (U-MVA)
3. S-MVA
4. A-MVA.....

albani Publish time 1-12-2019 22:43:40

Hi Hristo

AUO has a new type Module such as "AMOY" type;as it seems that on Tosh s WL/YL8xx Series(46/55)

with interesting CR value is 15.000;1 !!!!

Any further infor for that??


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View full version: LCD -matrices,differences and what models are placed *Part 2*