Publish time 1-12-2019 22:37:07
I understand the 46" and 55" use the AUO panel.It wouldn't make sense the other way around.Also, you can pretty much tell by the reviews anyway due to the excellent contrast and minimal halos. 
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:37:09
Here is some further proof that the superior AUO Quantum Black panel is in use
Interestingly, this is newer than the US version
T460HF03 V0 US
T460HF03 V1 EU
steve iow
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:37:10
great to see this thread looking for 46 . 1 probleml i live on the isle of wight so getting to view one on the island is hopeless still hey ho keep lookingsteve h
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:37:10
I'm guessing the 55" version wouldn't fit on the island 
Anyway, Amazon I believe offer 30 day return and free delivery obviously.In fact, all online retails offer at least 7 day return due to distant selling regulations so you may indeed need to take the plunge as I did.I couldn't find any of them here in Northern Ireland despite a number of store visits.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:37:11
Mine has arrived!I got it from Amazon Warehouse.Condition is exceptional.I don't see any marks anywhere.The set is absolutely beautiful as well.The stand is stunning and it clearly looks like a flagship model.I won't be needing the stand.I'm just trying to puzzle the wall mount together and get it up and running.The wall mount I got here HD Zone's Ultra Slim Wall Mount Bracket System for: Electronics
Many thanks to 1 GND for the suggestion 
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:37:12
Well congrats the tv is a sleek piece of design and i'm looking forward to hearing what you think, i'm also loving your avatar to lol...
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:37:13
LOL thanks - I just updated my avatar to commemorate my 3,000th post (which ironically was the purchase of this TV).
Just having a few niggling issues with the mount but almost there I think... 
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:37:14
I'd be interested to hear how bad the light leakage is (if any) Also what are the differences between the WL an YL series and are these sets anti-reflective?
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:37:14
Excellent. So Amazon are happy enough for me to return a TV for a refund if i'm not happy with the LCD even if it is not technically faulty? For instance if it had a dead pixel or it give off a buzz or something slight issue that most people can brush off (but not me)
EDIT: I found mention of this on the but not the UK one :/
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:37:14
You won't have any trouble with Amazon at all.I bought it from Amazon Warehouse because I am 100% sure that if anything did go wrong or I just plain didn't like it then I could return the set without any hassle. 