GadgetObsessed Publish time 1-12-2019 22:09:14

The main thing that i read from those images is the diminishing returns on the number of zones.
Going from just over 1000 zones (similar to the 75ZD9) to over 10,000 zones makes little difference.

Better native contrast seems more useful - but the better the native contrast ratio the less useful FALD is.

From the above analysis a panel with a very high contrast ration but only one zone (i.e. no local dimming) would be better than a panel with poor contrast ratio but having thousands of zones. This is what you would expect i suppose. FALD/mini-LED is only used to try to get over the contrast limitations of an LCD panel. If a panel had really good native contrast ratios (i.e. had really low blacks) then local dimming cannot help improve the blacks. Locally raising the light levels could improve the whites if a local zone can get brighter than a whole backlight could go.

Goldorak Publish time 1-12-2019 22:09:15

Considering we struggle to get better than 6000:1 native contrast, I was also surprised that number of local dimming ZONES wasn’t that high

BUT if you read more into the test, you discover that size of mini led within a ZONE and the distance between them has a much bigger impact.

This can finally explain why I have seen a prototype tv with 30000 mini led but ending up with circa 1200 zones...didn’t make sense until today

8k aside (which push zones to 3000), you don’t need more than 1200 zones (4k) for a superb performance as long as you have enough mini led within each zone...

Rtings are right when they say native contrast is super important and also Sony statement that more zones is not always the solution for fald...this research is demonstrating that super clearly...

Where is my second aspirin 

Goldorak Publish time 1-12-2019 22:09:16

Livemo Publish time 1-12-2019 22:09:17

QLED TV 2019: Samsung registriert "Quantum Dynamic Range", "Audio Scenic Intelligence" uvm.

Goldorak Publish time 1-12-2019 22:09:18

Google Translate

woppy101 Publish time 1-12-2019 22:09:18

The Sony 75ZD9 has 800 zones mate

GadgetObsessed Publish time 1-12-2019 22:09:21

Not sure that really makes any difference.

Goldorak Publish time 1-12-2019 22:09:22

It is far too quiet around gossip, nothing. All we have is a teaser from LG and Samsung plus steve went to see new Samsung tvs and apparently happy (podcast).

Let me know if you hear anything

From my side, i am hopeful as opposed to excited that:
- Samsung will release a good range in 2019 and learn from 18
- mini led will just apply to 75 (Samsung)
- Sony review of zf9 left me very impressed...that tv with proper native contrast and more zones would have been epic...without even mini led...
- LG...will see as they are looking at oled and mini led I believe
- Philips...don’t like them anymore after shootout but a superb b&w tv is on approach (I am sure)
- Panasonic...i am literally praying for a dx9 successor with latest processor...very slim chances but you never know..they really need DV for Oled range
- dv or hdr10 ? I really DONT CARE. I am after bright tv (in the good sense and not just peak) with good tone mapping and hdr10 processing..dynamic metadata is good for TVs that can just play at 1000 nits or below...
- 12 bits panel? Hmmm too early. I prefer an increase in rec2020 coverage
- oled...i expect an incremental improvement like last year. Focus is going to be on 8k :-(. Samsung may show qantum oled in sept. Don’t care if I can roll my screen...if it still can get burned...
- they may all show us true Emmisive qled And cledis..glimpse of the future

Now, jan event may be as dry as last year as the real launch is in the second sept one because all manufacturers will have access to hdmi 2.1 processor from March 19 (confirmed)

Shout if I forgot something...or disagree with above...
Good week All

Matson Publish time 1-12-2019 22:09:23

Wanted to add my thoughts on a few things. Firstly the whole OLED has infinite contrast thing is just marketing speak. Yes it has superb contrast but anything divided by zero = infinite. An oled could have 1 nit of brightness which would still be "infinite contrast". It certainly wouldn't look good though. As both a former OLED owner and currently the 4000 nit QLED owner the way 4K HDR has gone the holy grail of a stunning picture is both high brightness mixed with deep blacks. OLED cannot do the high brightness and QLED/LCD can not do the same blacks that OLED can. It comes close and in certain conditions looks just as inky as OLED but OLED still trumps it.

Mini LED in my eyes will improve things dramatically but its not just about the amount of zones its also the technology and software behind it. Look at the review on here of the Hisense TV with 1000 zones I believe it had. The picture quality wasn't as good as the Q9FN and blooming was worse even though it has double the zones of the Samsung. After having both the Q9FN and Q900R there is barely any blooming at all on the Q900R. This is a TV that only has 480 zones. It compensates for this by dimming small bright highlights on a black screen which is a shame but its either that or blooming.

If you increased the zone count into the thousands this dimming wouldn't be needed to the same extent if at all. Then you have a TV that can do 4000 nits but also show the brightest hightlights on a black screen which certainly gives a wow effect. If the Q900R had the 10000-20000 zones the Q9S Samsung prototype had it would fix most of the compromises that you have to make with 480 zones. Unfortunately it was just to expensive at the current time.

Livemo Publish time 1-12-2019 22:09:24

We could see QD OLED at ces. Not impressed with the ZF9 at all, ok motion and colour accuracy is fantastic but boy has major blooming issues. . Q9FN is still king of LCDs for 2018.
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