Publish time 1-12-2019 21:01:49
I'm using the extension kit. Our old program timer (Honeywell) was in the airing cupboard so this replaced that. I feel it's essential. In fact, my system would not work without I think - certainly the scheduling element as would still be managed by the 20 year old programmer.
Not noticed any detrimental effects of having Tado geo function on phones. If you are using it, remember to enable on devices that "always" leave the house with you but disable on something like an iPad that resides on the coffee table. Otherwise system always thinks someone is in.
My old room stat was the typical Honeywell dial type. Wired up using existing cables. Still had to add batteries for backup etc. I'm assuming mine is drawing power from the cables. Can't remember but sure it does. Unlike the very glossy Hive and Nest, I guess it could survive on battery alone as we barely ever use the room stat UI. I like the discreet appearance.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:01:50
U don't by any chance know where the power cable went on the back of the thermostat? I guess to be sure I could call tado tomorrow.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:01:51
Mmm, let me check and see if I've got any of the photos from when I did mine. Incidentally, Tado support is very good.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:01:51
Also I'm trying to find out does the app tell you when the boiler is actually firing on?
I thought the little fire symbol was it but I've just checked and the boiler isn't on right now but that icon has been there all day.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:01:52
Don't have images of after, but here is the wiring that was on the old Honeywell room stat and the second was the old programmer. From the online guide, just selected my stat from the options and configured accordingly to the advice it gave. Second image for the extension kit looks a little daunting at first glance until you realise it's just power and then signal leads for calling heat or water and they fire the boiler.
Hope this helps?
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:01:53
You are correct, the flame icon indicates when Tado believes the boiler is on. Sounds increasing like you need the extension kit. The Tado stat has "made the call" but the existing programmer (assuming you have one) has not reacted - perhaps because it's not scheduled to be on yet.
Did you order via Tado directly? They're pre-sales ordering wizard makes it pretty simple to identify if ext kit is needed or not.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:01:53
Just thinking more about your scenario. I'm now convinced you need the ext kit. At the moment, it's just behaving like a very fancy dial replacement. Again, assuming you have a 7 day programmer somewhere, Tado has no control of the system.
Don't view the ext kit as additional expense. Hive works exactly the same. Only difference being Tado mkes it an option where Hive, the ext box is er, in the box. Overall price is still similar.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:01:54
So the wire I had left over was the green and yellow wire from the first image, the first wire from the left. Do u know where that went? For now I put in one of the blank slots to be safe.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:01:54
Checked online and while set up as well it stated I only needed the extension kit if I wanted to control hot water which is fine for now. The thermostat seems to be working fine, it's telling the boiler to come on and go off, I also tested the geofencing function by leaving the house, took my wifes phone with me too. And it turned it to away setting. It's just the fire icon is always there. Even right now as I type the boiler isn't firing on, I'm just above my designated temp, but the fire icon is still there. Maybe it's still early days and it's learning I don't know. Hopefully it resolves it self because everything else seems to working as it should.
Publish time 1-12-2019 21:01:55
Thanks for posting the pictures btw!