vernonwtx Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:29

The little Titanium photo shows the correct model - they have put the wrong picture in for the black model

RoBoDutch Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:30


Thanks for the quick reaction!


guyb Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:31

Very informative forum.I have a question about multiple harddrives and the assistant software.

If I use the CDR-HD1500 to record on Harddrive 1, use assistant to copy to Harddrive 2, play Harddrive 2 in the CDR-HD1500, take Harddrive 2 out, put Harddrive 1 in CDR-HD1500 and record more... use assistant to copy to Harddrive 2 again and play Harddrive 2 in CDR-HD1500... there should be no problem (since I never record onto Harddrive 2)?

To say another way, if I use Harddrive 1 for recording, and Harddrive 2 for backup and playing in CDR-HD1500, keeping Harddrive 1 with low hours of usage.... then neither the CDR-HD1500 nor assistant care how many times I copy from Harddrive 1 to Harddrive 2?

Is that correct?

RoBoDutch Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:32


"To say another way, if I use Harddrive 1 for recording, and Harddrive 2 for backup and playing in CDR-HD1500, keeping Harddrive 1 with low hours of usage.... then neither the CDR-HD1500 nor assistant care how many times I copy from Harddrive 1 to Harddrive 2?"

As far as I know the situation you described can be used endless (till the drive is full)as long as there's no recording on the backup-drive through the Yamaha itself.
So your suggestion is right and I think it's a perfect solution !


KJ Palmer Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:33

Hi All

Does anyone know where I can get hold of the latest firmware for the CDR-HD1500?

My version is 1.something and I believe that the latest version is p2.0.0

Also, I am still trying to get the Title Software to work.

I have a USB to serial adapter for my laptop but I am having difficulty geting the right serial/null moden cable - can anyone tell me exaclty what type ofserial/null moden cable I need?



scorpion88 Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:35

Does anyone know where I can get hold of the latest firmware for the CDR-HD1500?

There's no site where you can download the latest firmware !
And Yamaha reacts only as "Sorry, we don't ....."

....... can anyone tell me exaclty what type ofserial/null moden cable I need?

Just have a look at Null modem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope this answers all.


alexs2 Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:36

I'm thinking of purchasing an HD1500.It will be used to store and play my 400 cd's in Juke Box fashion.I'll continue to use the PC for burning.However, I'm a little hesitant to buy if I have to manually input the titles and songs of each CD.I know Yamaha has software to help in this but that seems like a lot of work also.Presently if I take a CD from my collection that contains no CD text, and if I make a copy of it through Roxio Easy Media Creator, the copy will be tagged via Grace Note with album title and song names.If I use this copied CD to input into the HD1500 will the text also appear?

As a general question, why aren't there more products like this out there?
This seems like a such a simple solution for managing large CD collections (umcompressed) without resorting to huge carousel cd players that are slow and subject to jamming etc.   It seems Yamaha and Naim are the only two manufacturers out there and now Yamaha has stopped.Comments?

RoBoDutch Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:37

The HD1300 (previous model)will transfer CD text to the hard disk title, so I would imagine the 1500 would do the same.

There are various other 'solutions' for storing and playing large uncompressed and (compressed) music collections, eg. media players or NAS systems, so maybe there's not enough of a market for the Yamaha style system. Though I love the HD1300, its just more convenient to do everything on a computer and transfer the files for playback.

guyb Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:38

This thread should be discontinued. The Yamaha CDR HD1500 is discontiued. period.

bucc man Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:39

For as long as members using this require support,it will remain open...period.
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