NickAF Publish time 28-11-2019 02:44:55

Hi RoBoDutch good to see you back and thanks to you and nonpoint for the CD/Disc title information.

Now I am hoping you can help with another query. As I mentioned before I thought everything had gone well with the copying of my original 250 GB Hard disk to my new 400 GB Hard disk (via my PC using HardD USB cases) all my CD/Discs had copied over well and I titled them up manually.

When I put my new 400 GB (copied to) Hard disk into the Yamaha everything seemed fine i.e copied CD/Disc info all displayed etc and copied CD/Discs played fine.... However, a few days later when I started to record more actual cd's onto the new 400 GB disc in the Yamaha and to edit/rename discs the Yamaha froze and I had to reformat the Harddisc to sort it out.

I have since experimented copying just a few CD/Discs from the original 250 GB hard disk to the 400 GB hard disk (via PC...) but basically the problem remains ie. The copied material on the 400 GB plays and displays fine in the Yamaha , but as soon as I start copying more actual cd's or editing discs on the Yamaha it freezes and info is lost. If I can get to 'Disc Utility' time used and available on the disc is in line with the copied over material, but the info can't be recalled or displayed and cd/discs cant be played.

Now have I missed something here or can I only read and play material copied to a Hard disk via a pc/usb hardcaseAssitant program set up or is it something to do with the way I am copyig/importing/ exporting the information which is causing a problem?

I should just add I havetwo new 400GB Hard disk and the same problem is occurring with each.

Again thanks in advance for any thoughts - at present it seems a case of so near yet so far...


RoBoDutch Publish time 28-11-2019 02:44:56

Hi NickAF,

I tried the same and you're terribly right. The Yamaha freezes (partly) up and makes a mess of it.
I contacted a friend who's working in the IT-software business, and he supposes it is has to do something with a recording on the Yamaha itself. Probably there will be some checking and/or writing through the firmware !?
The Yamaha Assist program there is just a way to "see" the harddisks on a regular PC as far as he can tell.
To be honest , I can't give you an answer that satisfies.
When I have more information I will come back again.

Why is Yamaha not be able to create a great piece of software for a great machine ???


NickAF Publish time 28-11-2019 02:44:57

Thank you very much again RoBoDutch - a disappointment that this is the case, but it is good to have an answer and know it is not just my attempts which are failing.

I was hoping I would be able to create two identical funtional Hard discs so that I always had a fully functional backup. (i.e. a hardisc that could be edited and recorded on in the Yamaha - as usual) I am know going to achieve this by 'manually' recording my cds again onto the new larger 400GB Hardisc and keeping those already manually recorded on my 250GB Hardisc. (So eventually I'll have over 50% of material fully functionally backed up)

I suppose if you never want to record or edit on the 'backed up' disc, then using it in the Yamaha is fine, but there is always a danger of forgetting and then freezing the disc.

I have learnt a great deal via this forum and in particular from your help and advice.

The copying onto another hardisc via the usb hardcase/ PC /Assistant set up I think will prove very useful for transferring cds quickly to MP3 format - I have not tried this yet. This will be my next project after the recording of my cds again.

Thanks again and I will keep an eye on these forum pages for any news on this excellent, intriguing but poorly software supported machine.

Best regards


vitoray Publish time 28-11-2019 02:44:59

Hi, I am new to forumthanks for all the in formative posts about the 1500. I am almost done loading mine,when I discovered this thread. I would like to upgrade my hard drive but not at the expence of not being able to record to it. have you solved the problem ? or have you tried reloading the larger drive manually? just wondering what options there are for upgrades .
Thanks, Scot

RoBoDutch Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:00




I've contacted the writer of the Yamaha Assist program and today I received an answer of him, in which he promised to solve this bug as soon as possible.
So please be patient for a while.

As soon as I hear from him , I let you all know.


vitoray Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:01

Hello, all you 1500 owners, just a quick question has any used the dac fuction and what do you use it for

NickAF Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:02

That sounds great...

thanks again RoboDutch.

Best regards


RoBoDutch Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:04

I have used it often. You see, my amplifier has one toslink digital out and besides the Yamaha, I have also a Tascam Dat-recorder. So when I want to record on the Tascam I use DAC-mode as a pass-through. In that case the Yamaha don't have to activate the record-function in pause mode and I don't have to switch cables or has to buy another DAC.
So anything you offer the Yamaha will pass through !


JKH Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:05

I have the HD1300 which I use for recording and editing broadcasts of long works (symphonies, operas etc) and then transferring to cd. The 80GB capacity is ample for my purposes as I don't use it as a permamnet storage device.

But a problem has arisen - it won't recognise and play CDs. It will still recognise a blank disc and burn music to it and sound quality is as good as ever it was. This is not an enormous problem, since I have another cd player, but it's annoying.

Any idea what might be wrong and also how much it might cost to fix? Impossible question I realise, but any rough idea would do. Also, I'm in the UK - what is Yamaha servicing like and where are they?
I can't really see myself posting something this big!


alnwrd Publish time 28-11-2019 02:45:06

Have you tried a cd cleaner disc?
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