psikey Publish time 27-11-2019 22:41:16

Samsung Galaxy Fold ... wow

Info/comment here:

Watching live stream now.

This is going to be expensive

psikey Publish time 27-11-2019 22:41:17

$1980 !!!!!!!!!!Too expensive (for my needs anyway).

I see why he kept calling it a Luxury product.

Live stream dropping for me 

Sonic67 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:41:18

Expensive, but it is something that might replace your phone and your tablet.

Sonic67 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:41:19

The new device will cost $1,980 (£1,516) and will be available from April 26.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 27-11-2019 22:41:20       

This shows why I don't like it...What were they thinking with that phone mode...

psikey Publish time 27-11-2019 22:41:21

Probably needed the space for internal tech hence smaller front screen. Not for me but the S10/S10looking great.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 27-11-2019 22:41:22

I agree the other models look very nice. This, nope, give me the Xiaomi any day...

It is very retro though, see the F490 from 2008...


smackos Publish time 27-11-2019 22:41:23

The problem with the screen being small in "folded mode" is that either you push for a proper screen ratio when Unfolded (in this case 4:3) and go narrower than normal when closed up, or you go wider and create a chunky fat closed screen. The only way I can see these folded phones ever really pushing for standard screen sizes AND hitting a decent 16:9 ratio is if they essentially made the thing into 3 folds, which right now doesn't even seem practical let alone technologically or with cost.

dts197 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:41:24

Not in a million years would it replace a 12.9” tablet.

muzzi Publish time 27-11-2019 22:41:25

Wow indeed, but why?

I'm sure in a few generations time, this type of product will be the norm, and I’m aware that companies need to inovate to keep pushing forward the boundaries of what’s possible, but what happened to designing products for the markets needs and requirements? Que for someone to quote Steve Jobs....

In my opinion, the humble smartphone is already no longer a truly portable device, due to the crazy product sizes. Instead of creating new product categories these tech companies should be looking to max out the technology in a form factor that is comfortable. Imagine how great the iPhone SE would be if it had the same/similar spec as an iPhone XR but with having a fingerprint sensor under the display and loosing the Face ID? This would naturally also be more environmentally friendly by having a smaller carbon footprint per product.

I'm not saying that the foldable tech isn't warranted, I just believe there is a better application for this tech rather than the smartphone market.

If you require the real estate of a tablet, use a tablet. If you are a professional and require the screen size of a large smartphone 24/7, then it is more than likely that you carry with you either a tablet or laptop anyway.If you are after a device like this just for social media and or bragging rights, then god help us all
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