Har-One Publish time 27-11-2019 22:42:00

Because they always follow the pioneers and then show to the world the same technology with an apple logo. Critics then praise the wonderful device that that apple has created and we all must have.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 27-11-2019 22:42:00

Forget about Apple for a moment, perhaps call it Huawei or Motorola...Don't you think it is better to have a device that actually functions properly? One where it doesn't just look new, but is actually new and works better than everything before?

aVdub Publish time 27-11-2019 22:42:00

I thought they were waiting for Samsung to get it right before buying the screen, as Apple does now.

Har-One Publish time 27-11-2019 22:42:00

I agree with you that it is better to have a device that function properly and it's been duly tested.

Clearly the Fold is not quite ready but the fact that apple has not released one yet, has no relation to the matter. Apple has not released cars, butter and an endless list. Needless to say that all that they release is far from perfect. The last 17'' macbook had a graphics cards that was faulty and they never called their customers with forthcoming information. If you were one of the unlucky ones who saw the fault just days after the replacement period the solution was simple, "Buy a new one".

They do great stuff but they are not better that any other transnational company. Their latest OS updates, both sierras and mojave were full of compatibilities problems and they do not need to cater to a large hardware choice.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 27-11-2019 22:42:01

LOL So even when I say forget about Apple, it is just about Apple again :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Steven Publish time 27-11-2019 22:42:01

I don't think the first generation attempt of anything being imperfect is necessarily the be all and end all but public goodwill only lasts so long. Tbh the prohibitively high price tag means this is just an internet story rather than anything truly relevant to normal life. The exploding batteries episode was a bigger deal for Samsung and that learning experience is probably why Samsung have acted to postpone this launch.

The previous poster is right this product category needs to be more than trying to solve a non existent problem and future iterations needs to drive the price down.

Har-One Publish time 27-11-2019 22:42:01

You were the one using the fact that Apple has not released one as a 'reason'. Samsung is not the only company releasing foldable phones. Huawei and Motorola, both are in the foldable market.

We can forget about all companies and use generic names. The fact that company 'A' releases a faulty or not quite ready product has no connection with company 'B' not releasing one.

They need to target enthusiasts to keep refining their products. The first generation of LG OLED were plagued with uniformities problems. If they have not released them because the TVswere not perfect, we could not have had all the progress that OLED has achieved in recent releases.

It is almost a given that first generations will have all sort of teething problems.

AVFan_01 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:42:02

Its a shame the phone has been delayed. However it is the right decision. It wouldnt be good if it was in customers hands and then recalled.

Since this is the biggest change to smartphones in years, I hope this doesnt stop others from developing folding phones and for Samsung to carry on with 2nd, 3rd gen folding phones. From the two Youtube videos I say, they were both very positive about folding phones and said that they could catch on, as (if) the price falls.

imightbewrong Publish time 27-11-2019 22:42:02

Completely forgot about this

Samsung says folding phone 'ready' after screen fix
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