athelstan Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:20

World of Tanks

Has anyone tried this yet?
I've just started and am really enjoying it. It is an mmo buthas lots of ww2 tanks to choose from, upgrading and customising then fighting them is great fun and it seems to be popular and stable. If you like driving and destroying tanks you'll like this. It is a free service with an in game purchase system but it is perfectly possible to play and progress without spending money.

athelstan Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:21

Is no one here playing World ofTanks? The servers seem full and popular and the game is really good. Highly recommended and if you see Wulfnoth on your server don't shoot! It's me.

mozza54 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:22

Never even heard of this one, where's the best place to get it?

Sinzer Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:23

Yeah, there is already a thread for this.

I played for a couple months in Beta. For a F2P game it is really very good... it does get a little boring after a while tho and once you get to Tier 5 your progression really slows down and it becomes a really big grindfest to get a better tank.

Greg Hook Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:24

Another thread about this here: of tanks

athelstan Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:25

It's great fun isn't it? With all the different types of tanks, tank killers and self propelled guns available there are a lot of tactical possibilities. I even enjoy upgrading and changing the tanks etc.

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:26

Seeing as this is the more recent thread.... I got involved with this too and I must say I was very surprised. I see that PC Gamer recently gave it 85% in a review which is pretty decent for a free to play game. It's a 1.8GB download BTW.

You do not need major reflexes as tactics are a key strategy. Everyone starts off with a light tank but you can choose the upgrade paths for SPGs, Destroyers, etc and start earning your experience points to get upgrades. I like the authenticity of it all where if you trying move several tons of metal up a hill you slow down, a damaged track slows you down and affects turning angles etc. It reminds me of TF2 slowed down by 75%.

In the evenings there's about 8000 players online so getting a game up and running takes no time at all. I do like the matchmaking process where there's a mixture of all classes of tank so there's no chance of your light tank going up against a whole team of Tigers.

I was sooooo please when I upgraded the engine on my loltractor.  I'm kind of curious to see how long it holds my attention for although it has me hooked at the moment. There's plenty of fun to be had here.

If you see me online my name is the same as this board. Do wave!

athelstan Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:27

I am Wulfnoth on line and have now got up to a PanzerIV medium tank. I'm having to be really cagey with it as I'm up against the Heavy tanks slot of the time. You really have to use cover well as they have greater range and can knock you with one hit. Really enjoying this. Best of all,no bunny hoppers!k

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:28

I have to do this //

I was wondering why my ping was averaging 200 and I could not find you! I've only downloaded the wrong client and been playing on the US servers. DOH! 

The good news is that I've located the EU client, re-registered and I'm downloading that now. Just means that I will have to start again but as I'm enjoying it so much I'll get my loltractor pimped up in no time!! Hopefully see you online at somepoint!

athelstan Publish time 27-11-2019 05:35:29

Hehehe, look forward to seeing you!
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