Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:22

I’m just relieved I’m not going mad and that you couldn’t find it either.

Actually the AVM bobbins work very well and I can now feel every little vibration from the engine to road to gear change. It was so muffled before I couldn’t feel a thing.
It still might be worth trying some rubber padding too.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:23

I have now created an account in German and switched it over to English.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:24

Got my 3D printer ready to make my SFX100 parts.



Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:25

Well on my way to printing out the 3D pieces of my motion rig.


Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:26

@Furnace Inferno
How is your rig coming along?
Are you up and running (driving) now?
Any thing you would change?
Was it easy?

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:27

Now that I’ve got it all up and running, I’d say the only bits which brought any issues were the NTL parts you saw I had issues with but then it’s £200 vs. £400 for the German ones. I think I’d still be tempted to go for the more expensive ones if I did it again just because I’m impatient when it comes to finishing projects I’ve started.

It is quite a big time investment but I do enjoy building things and other than the parts issue it all went pretty smoothly. Add to that the equivalent D-Box with 3” movement costs £25,000 (LOL!!!) or a similar DIY prebuilt system with 150mm is £5,500 which actually is quite reasonable, however I don’t know about you but I’m not making over £100/hr to justify paying someone else to build it for me at that cost when I can do it myself.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:28

Well all of my printing is now done.
Had a bit of a scare with the last piece being printed.
Was down to my last few meters of PLA and 8 hours in (printing the main parts in red, to match my rig's accents) and the wife's daughter touched it as it was still printing (she is 16 so should know better). I thought she may have moved it, but luckily didn't or I would have had to buy another roll and start it again.

I have placed the sliders inside, after a bit of filing with my Dremel, placed the linear bearings and mounts and hollow bars into place, but still waiting my threaded screw bar and fixed bearings to come before I can finish this bit.

Also still awaiting my motors and couplings, plus cables and Arduino extension board from the group buy to come.

@Furnace Inferno what is your best experience so far?

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:29       Here is my progress so far...

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:30

Motors have arrived.
Only need screw threads and a connector box for the wiring then it’s complete and already to assemble onto my rig.


One held in place to get an idea what it will look like.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:32

Building a cabinet for the control boxes.

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