Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:12

AVM’s fitted.
Not had chance to try them yet but the chair now moves and isn’t rock solid so the thumper should be better and cleaner for more delicate vibrations.​

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:13

I am a little confused (easily done).
You mention 4 Kinetic parts, but i can only see 3 (the extrusion, the helicoils and the T slot nuts.

Also when I try to create an account I cant see any option for England in the pull down list. It has every other country though.

Also, what parts did you get from NTL?
Which of the original list don't I need to bother with?
Your list shows lots of nuts/bolts which aren't on the original list.

GMC79 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:14

Looks great but if it was me id isolate it from the frame and get some few mm think rubber mat and clamp it tight between the kicker and the frame. would be so much better than direct im sure of it. Can get some from work easily if you you want me to send you a small slice.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:15

I thought the idea of this was to send vibrations through into the seat and then the user.
I'm not sure if it was isolated on rubber it would lose some of the small details it produces as the vibrations would be lost in the rubber matting.
I will test this tonight after work, but may take you up on your offer if its not as good as it should be, thank you.

When I had it on my Playseat, I sat that on thick rubber matting (fastened onto wood), so the whole deck shook your teeth out, as it was lighter and able to move due to this rubber. This alloy rig is very solid and heavy in comparison and placed directly on the floor so has more of a surface area and therefor more friction making it harder to move, sending the vibrations directly into the wooden floor. I can still feel it, just nowhere near the same as my Playseat. I am hoping these AVM's help with movement (which is what we want), but isolating it from the base and therefor the floor underneath.​

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:16

My bad that should be 3, I’ve changed it now!

Have you changed to English language or on the German one? It will be Great Britain but in German (Grossbritannien).

The 5 parts after the Kinetik ones, hollow shaft —-> shaft coupling.

Then you need the D-sub cables still but not:

D-Sub breakoutboard
breadboard (OR) Wago Connectors

As you are getting the pre-built PCB on RD.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:17

Still cant find GB (or Grossbritannien).
Not sure what the issue is.

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:18

It’s definitely there for me, I just checked in my billing/shipping address “Großbritannien”.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:19

Try as if you are creating a new account to see if its there.

When I click on 'New Customer', it has...
I am
First name

Your address
Zipcode   City
Country (which is a pull down) I cant find it anywhere on this drop down at all.


I blame Brexit.

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:20

Interesting, if you switch to German on the language selector then it will appear but isn't on the English version!

GMC79 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:21

Can get some pretty stiff stuff, and clamped tight would be pretty good and get rid of any nastiness i would imagine, but yeah can only try.
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