Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:26:59

The Aluminium Motion Rig thread.

EDIT Just changed the title as it is now going away from being 'just' about my rig, and people may find it helpful if they are building their own.

Just built myself an aluminium rig.
No real design as such, just copied off a few I had seen online.
Thought it would take a couple of hours, but how wrong was I, it took me all day to build.
Total cost £300.


IRobot Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:00

Nice. I've been thinking about getting back into sim racing. I still have my aluminium profile stashed away in the attic but would need to buy a seat and wheel/pedals.

It really depends on the VR headsets being released this year. HP Reverb looks promising.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:01

Looking at it the HP only has front facing cameras (I think) so not good for roomscale VR but great for racing.
I use the Rift and only race in VR.

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:01

Lovely, how have you got the thumper attached? I've got a random bit of pole on the underside of the seat rail but it can vibrate noisily with certain low frequencies as it's not quite tight enough.

I've almost done everything on the SFX-100 build, I'm just waiting until I've finished it all before giving a final cost and knowing what all the tools and extra bits are. So far it's been bang on £1800 for everything including the 3D printer but I already had some tools that were needed.

I've also made a 3D model for shifter mounting blocks for the Accuforce and Ascher Magnetic Shifters which I can highly recommend over the standard spring shifters which I can send you over if you ever get the urge to get a set .

I'm like you I play all my racing in VR only now, even the 2D ones in Big screen beta on an Imax size screen, partly because the rig is off to the side of both my screens but mostly because even a giant curved screen in VR is more immersive than a smaller sharper one in real life for me anyway.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:01

The thumper pole is only held on with one L bracket fastener. I’m still missing an L bracket to fasten it on properly, so dare not use it yet or it will rattle itself off the rig.

I do fancy a 3D printer but have no idea why or what I would make.
I want to go the SFX-100 route so will need one for that.
Would like decent brackets too.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:02

A few close up shots.


Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:02

UK Buying List (Easy, not the cheapest):

All three Kinetik parts in the guide must be bought direct from them. Cost £180

The next 5 parts you'll want to contact "Amy" from NTL bearings () and request the same package as "Simon", I also put in the exact part numbers/sizes just to make sure Cost £200

Servo motors from the same link as the guide on Aliexpress. Total Cost £850 including shipping & import tax.

Next up your D-Sub cables x4, I got them from eBay:
Cost £20

The following bolts from are needed (I would also suggest if you don't have any M3 screws to get one at least 20mm long.


Cost £40

All electronic parts and other small bits from Amazon:

Plugs x4:
Emergency Stop Button:
D-Sub DB25-M2 Board:
Breadboard Cables:
Anti-vibration Feet:
Cables Ties:
3D Printer:
Filament (you need 3kg):

Cost £440

Additionally you may need tools and other extras, I got:
Grease gun:
Grease nipples:
Rubbing Alcohol:
Wooden Box for Servo Controllers:

Cost £65

Other tools you may or may not need, multiple socket heads or spanners down to at least 7mm, allen keys of multiple sizes, highly recommend long t-handled variant, power drill will make building a little quicker but not needed. If you are handy with wiring then the Wago connectors are a better method but I didn't know wtf I was doing and went for the one which had instructions instead.

That's all I can think of right now but I'll add anything else if I remember.

Just one note if you are attaching to 80/20 then you will need at least 16 corner brackets extra and slot nuts/covers to mount it to the frame. Either order with your Kinetik stuff to save on delivery 40x40 brackets with M8 bolts and covers to save on delivery, order the pack from Sim-Lab or get from your usual supplier.

My total cost was £1800 but prices do fluctuate plus Brexit fluctuation on exchange rates :cautious:.

You can get some of the Amazon stuff cheaper on eBay and save maybe £50-£100 but I couldn’t be bothered waiting longer and buying from more stores than necessary along with the ball ache of replacements for anything that was defective (still waiting for a replacement ball screw from China to build the last actuator!) but if you want to save a few pennies hunt around on eBay.

Thug Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:02

Excellent, Furnace Inferno, thanks for this.

There are a few things I can streamline and knock a few quid off.
I may for the Ender 3, which is about £150 (its $199 Buy Creality Ender 3 3D Printer Kit, New and improved revision from Creality) delivered, saving around £120.
The breadboard assembly mentioned 'on that other site' for around £20 ($20 plus delivery) which should save about £20.

Which Kinetic part is £180? The profile itself is 105euro and we need 4 of them, plus fittings.

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:02

No, you want to get 4 250mm lengths.

IRobot Publish time 27-11-2019 04:27:02

Maybe someone will start selling full kits in the future ?
OSW wheels started off like that. You had to build everything yourself and now you can buy ready made kits.
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