Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:53
I have to agree, as the combinations of abilities really mix this up, plus it's grittier and far more like Diablo 2 that 3 was.Don't get me wrong, I really liked D3 and it was incredibly polished, but it was missing the down beat atmosphere of the first two games which this has captured really well.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:54
yeah I look at it as a new diablo 2with innovative currency etc
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:54
You lot are weird playing betas more than a couple hours. I'd like to get a feel for it, then decide I like it and want to play it, then wait for the official release.
You'll spoil it for yourself before then... but like Planetside 2... that got released and everyone was bored of it by then haha.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:54
this is a proper release, its only beta in the fact that its still a little buggy, and they're constantly adding stuff. similar to the minecraft model
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:55
It states that there will be no more character wipes, so basically this beta will become the release candidate with patch updates.I believe it's all there, they are just fixing bugs as they go now.
This is RIGHT up your street btw.I planned to have a little game earlier and was lost for hours.Like Phil said above it is just like Diablo 2 and more of what I would have expected the sequel to be like.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:55
Well gave it a go this morning an quite enjoying it, aside from no idea where some of the portals are (and that's just starting )
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:55
its worth noting theres only portals in about half of the areas, probably why you couldnt find them 
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:56
Gotta love pc gaming when games of this quality are free to play! I am enjoying this though it clearly lacks the polish of Diablo3 in my opinion but that does not take away anything from this game with its more 'meatier' action.
Would love to give this a bash in a group if anybody is up for that? I am only a noob level 4 marauder called 'ninkumpoop' 
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:56
That might explain it. There was two on the map when you used a portal but I searched all over and couldn't find it 
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:56
I've been playing this for 3 days now and i am liking it. It's a bit confusing early on with all the different stats on weapons/armour but RPG games are meant to be confusing and complicated, otherwise they're just lightweight *cough*Diablo 3*cough*
The passive skill tree is just.... wow. Never seen a skill tree that massive before! OK so a lot of things are duplicated but still, wow!
I commend their decision to remove currency from the game completely, as for one it makes no sense for a prison island to have money in it, and also it to some point curtails my need to pick up every single item just for the money i can get from vendors. My only complaint would be that so far, when i trade in magic or rare items, the vendors always seem to give me orbs that i don't want (mainly the one that randomizes the magical attributes of an item) so i have an abundance of those and none of the others..
I also like and dislike the randomization of the levels, because while it makes it more of a challenge having to find the exit each time, it does destroy the realism a little bit (if realism is the right word for a game dealing with magic, walking skeletons etc)
Seems they didn't account for how popular this open beta would be however, as the last two days they've had a lot of problems. Yesterday I had to queue for half an hour to get in to play it, and today they've shut down the servers entirely without warning, just after i got a cool new spell, so i bet i won't have that when the servers come back up..