WildeKarde Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:57

Servers have been flaky today. Guess it's a tad busy 

I like how you can mix and match what you go for, I've been playing a duellist but using a bow. Somehow its quite good

jassco Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:57

I've gone the templar route... Great character if you want melee as you get spells to make weapons stronger.

Might have another character with duel wield and fast attacks though

Marc Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:57

I've gone with the Shadow as a dual wield sword melee. Not sure it matters too much which class you choose as you can choose any stats for any class, but I am liking melee with massive dexterity, makes for lightning fast combat 

and my second weapon set is a bow and quiver which is handy against ranged attackers

BIGPHIL69 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:58

well each class has a huge advantage in one area, witch starts with a ton more mana than a melee class for example , and they all start on their own spot of the skill tree.

You do get a lot of freedom though

Marc Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:58

oh yeah, i get that, but i mean you're not restricted in which skills you can use or which armour you can wear, because it's all gem specific rather than char specific, so you have freedom to have a tank melee witch if you really want to by kitting her out with heavy armour, strength buffs and sword/shield, it just might take a bit of effort to fully get there. I like that as I normally always pick the barbarian type class in RPGs as i love my melee combat and tanking, but quite often they are the most boring class due to lack of interesting active skills but in this I can supplement my tanking with some awesome spells, and just increase my intelligence level if i need to level the spells up.

oh also, i read that each class starts the game in a different place? As the shadow, i started washed up on a beach full of zombies, culminating in a fight with some massive zombie boss, where do the other classes start?

WildeKarde Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:58

Well I've tried a couple of classes and they all seem to start the same place.

For duellist I've worked up the bow skills, then took the evasion and armour bonus. Now going through the dervish options for dual wielding, think I'm going to go the melee route now. Just wish some of the loot drops were better for me 

jassco Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:58

If anyone fancies joining up then just add me, my main guy is called rorge

BIGPHIL69 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:59

all start in the same place on the beach

BIGPHIL69 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:59

Ill hop on and add you now, havent been playing much since open beta but will be getting back into it soon

BIGPHIL69 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:18:59

got my tank to act 2, and decided hes being retired from solo play

wanted to see how good a mace and shield tank, with medium-ish damage and high armor would be, in short theyre pretty survivable (think I died once in act1 and start of act 2) but once you get to the forest and your fighting 20 mobs at a time it becomes a chore and gets really boring. could be helpful for group play but for solo I think im gonna go back to a templar or duelist for now
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