Publish time 27-11-2019 03:05:27
Pokemon X and Y Version Differences - Pokemon X Wiki Guide - IGN
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:05:27
I found this one, it might be useful for others.
Think I prefer Y although I like the last two rows in X much better.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:05:28
If you buy both do you get them all? For example if I get Y and trade it for X, would my game continue?
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:05:28
Not trading in that sense.Trading the Pokemon themselves via wifi or over the internet.A bit like swapping football cards.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:05:28
I meant, can you start a save game on Pokémon X and then continue it on by playing the Pokémon Y game? I know that sort of takes the fun out the game but did wonder.
Daft Ada
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:05:29
What are people's thoughts on this so far? I'm trying to finish off Black 2 before making the jump but I could be persuaded to switch early. Just got a few questions!
Is there a good variety of Pokemon to catch near the start? I.e not the same rubbish rodent/bird pokemon you usually find hundreds of in the fist couple of hours.
Is it easier or harder than previous games?
Are the battles quicker?
What's the online like? Is it quick and easy to jump into a battle or trade with someone online?
What do hardened Poke masters think compared to Black/White?
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:05:30
I went to Comic Con in London today.Absolutely packed.Lots of Streetpasses and I actually managed to max out the Pokemon streetpass limit (99).I didn't have the cart with me, so I couldn't accept the ones I'd collected to reset it.
I doubt I'll manage to do that again any time soon.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:05:31
Hi all,
Would anyone be able to trade any shinny's for my daughter?
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:05:32
Some evolutions of pokemon you will only get when trading, as some only evolve WHEN trading if you get me. The trade process evolves a particular pokemon.
Don't ask me to explain it, was told by a mate who has Y and I have X, so we're sorting our collections by working together.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:05:33
Pokebank was released yesterday for those interested, here are some details:
Pokémon Bank Home Page
You can get a free pokemon for using it and it's a month, after that it's £4.49 for a year and can contain 3000 pokemon, of course you can grab pokemon from black and white 1 and 2 and use them in x/y 