Dean Publish time 27-11-2019 00:39:53

The more I hear about this 4K version, the more I wish they'd just ditch it, and come out with an all new PS5 a little sooner.

zt1903 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:39:54

Was reading that one of the reasons why we're getting a new GPU on the hardware refresh is that the cost of using the next iteration of AMD GPU was less than (or equivalent to) the cost of shrinking the existing one.

The remainder of the spec looks like normal mid generation component shrink and cost reduction.

Batdog Publish time 27-11-2019 00:39:55

I'm quite torn about this........on the one hand it goes against one of the main things I like about console gaming, the reassurance that there is no pressure to upgrade with everyone being on the same level playing field each generation, however.........

I'm very much in the camp that would sacrifice a bit of graphical detail to get a game running at 60fps, but so often a compromise is made and we get 30fps instead.If the Neo is able to take GTA5 for instance and via a patch get it running smoothly at 60fps, maybe adding in some upgraded anti-aliasing too, then I could be up for an upgrade.With the release of PSVR I'm expecting this to be a long generation, probably another good 5 years to come, so a one off upgrade might not be too painful to get a '1080p60 as standard' games machine.

I'm just hoping that there is some sort of sensible trade in program, giving them my 'old' PS4 plus £200 may just be OK for me.

Sonic67 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:39:56

As I understand it there won't be a PS5. See the other thread. Sony is moving to the smartphone model where you have a product with constant minor improvements on a regular basis rather than a totally new console every so often.

Dean Publish time 27-11-2019 00:39:56

That's interesting but would be strange to see. If I were to bet on it I'd say that there has to be a PS5 if Sony want to stay in the games industry. I just can't see Sony dropping such a strong position in the console market for some kind of smartphone model, all they need to do is have a slightly shorter life cycle. I'm fine with a 4-5 year life cycle. Out of all the PlayStations the PS2 for me was easily the best overall, and it would be a shame for it to end on a PS4K.

dUnKle Publish time 27-11-2019 00:39:56

Think the future on anything like that will be decided on just how well these .5 models go down with joe public

Look at the mess there was with the wii u !
Outside of the small percentage of people who frequent the forums and follow the gaming news, the wii u was a confused mess, with parents, grandparents and even the kids thinking it was a peripheral rather than a new console

It's going to be very difficult to get little Jimmys dad to understand these hardware revisions and having to know if a game will work for them. After all that's what put a lot off pc gaming

Sonic67 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:39:57

There's another thread here.

PS 4.5 Anyone ?

With this link in it.

Even Sony doesn't know if there will be a PlayStation 5

In an interview on Game Informer's video podcast, Lorne Lanning (the mind behind Oddworld) revealed that a senior executive at Sony had indicated that aPlayStation 5 was a question of 'if' rather than 'when'.

The chief executive in question was Shuhei Yoshida, head of Sony's Worldwide Studios, who indicated that he saw the future of PlayStation hardware as moving towards small iterative releases, rather than mammoth hardware upgrades every six years.

Sonic67 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:39:58

And PC gaming does do fine despite people constantly predicting its death knell every few years. PCs have constant hardware improvements and PC gaming has been around for decades. Smartphones and tablets also are constantly improving. It could work.

Jonstone Publish time 27-11-2019 00:39:59

The GPU specs quoted above sound very much like a slightly underclocked version of the new RX480 Amd just announced.

It would make sense given the compact nature of a PS4 so under-clocking might be necessary to reduce heat and cooling. Amd are also pushing the RX480 as a budget/midrange card that can cope with VR that would tie in nicely with PSVR.

I have a PSVR on order but I had decided to cancel and buy a rift instead, but that would require a GPU upgrade in my PC. A new ps4K and a PSVR would be cheaper, especially if the standard move controllers will work with it as I already own those.

criggy Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:00

So Andrew House from Sony has confirmed the existence of 'Neo' in the Financial Times.

It is behind a paywall so won't quote but the gist of it is that they won't be talking about it at E3 and it will be sold alongside PS4 through the life cycle.

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