Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:02
I call bs.
If it exists and is due within the next 4 months how can they not talk about it at the largest show of the year, especially when it looks 99% positive that their main competitor is going to step on the same stage later that day and talk about new hardware of their own
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:03
It isn't necessarily going on sale by year end, Cowboyjon. It could be they felt the need to come out and confirm Neo's existence simply to get ahead of Microsoft (they are on before Sony at E3!)
I doubt Scorpio with get that much mention if at all, though.
The problem with all this is that Sony and Microsoft (to a lesser extent) have been caught out with the 14nm node GPU improvements both coming right at the time of the usual slim launch. This means they get a 2Xincrease in performance for little extra cost but then a headache of how to market and position two tiered systems.
For me right now I don't like the way Sony seem to be going about this because I see the benefit of upgrading to Neo being held back by PS4 and Sony's development rules. UHD Blu ray may sway me but that isn't confirmed yet.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:04
So no Neo, no NX and no Scorpio at E3.I was looking forward to E3, but not anymore 
EDIT: Only kidding, still disappointing news though.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:05
1. MS are not going to reveal Scorpio at E3 either.The kokatu story that revealed it said they would reveal a slim model at E3 and Scorpio next year, this has then got hyped out of control.
2. Sony can, more or less, continue to not give a damn what MS announce.High end models of existing consoles are not going to significantly change the dynamic of the market.
3. E3 isn't a be all and end all.There's a busy game conference season that also includes Gamescom, Paris Games Week and Tokyo Games Show. The rumour was always Neo at PGW.
Demon Luci
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:06
So, is it expected to launch in time for VR?
This month's Edge effectively dismisses the current PS4 as being up to the job for a worthwhile VR experience so I guess we'll ideally (?!) be getting both at the same time.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:07
Microsoft are set to announce a new Xbox One Slim which may have 4K streaming capabilities for Netflix etc. And other streaming devices are also rumoured, no one thinks they will announce their new Scorpio console.
Sony will have no hardware, apart from their VR headset, to show at E3 hence this statement from Sony. It's all business games nothing else.
What's more worrying is the new machine will sell for more then the current machine and the current machine won't be getting a price drop.
So not only will one be possibly a lot more powerful then the other but their will be a noticeable price difference. Not sure the market is going to like this new business model of updates every 3 years.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:08
All this is making me think "cancel the psvr pre order and get a neo instead".
Do sony really think people are going to buy both?
Demon Luci
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:09
I like my Xbox one but I would prefer a slimmer model. If that was to release with 4K capability then I would maybe sway towards that over the Neo but I don't think they'll add a 4K drive where as I think Sony may do.
A Neo and PSVR package all in for £800 would be the max I'm willing to pay
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:10
That's kind of about the ball park figure I'm hoping for. Sounds reasonably realistic as well I'd say.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:40:11
I have read rumours that the new slim Xbone will have 4K streaming capability, all they need to do is add the proper HDMI port and chips to drive it, and I guess a 4K capable blue ray drive.
Even if they don't add a 4K blue ray drive it's very easy for them to add 4K streaming, I want an Xbone Slim to replace my PS4 as its too noisy and hot. And I'm not sure I like this updating after three years idea. That's not what a console is about.
We will find out tomorrow.