Publish time 27-11-2019 00:25:51
[-]Group hug[/-] The resourceful is the challenge, friends with benefits is the title 
Also one where you get the enemy with benefits title by sticking semtex to a team mate and killing an enemy with it 
Edit - see post below 
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:25:52
Knew it was something like that, just had the title in my head but couldn't remember the actual challenge 
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:25:53
Grenades and throwing knifes all travel the same distance.Throwing knifes can bounce off walls and kill someone.They can even bounce off a riot shield, hit them in the foot and kill them.The only difference is the frags roll and bounce.Semtex is more deadly than the Frags, and most likely because frags are more versatile (i.e. you can cook a frag and explode it mid air next to a sniper, bounce it off walls, roll in into enemy territory, etc)
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:25:54
You mean sticking it to an enemy and them killing another of his teammates.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:25:55
Imagine the vertigo feeling after looking straight up and then down after you throw it.With a semtex your timer is much shorter but you can throw it on the ground and run.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:25:56
You got me thinking there which was round it is... 
"The resourceful" is for "friends with benefits" - stick semtex to a team mate and kill an enemy
"Group hug" is for "enemy with benefits" - stick semtex to an enemy and kill them and another enemy player
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:25:56
Has anyone seen this before? It's part 1 of a series of 7 short film stories made up entirely of campaign and in-game footage from COD 4 back in 2008. Very clever I thought?
YouTube - Retaliation - Episode 1: "Calm" (Call of Duty 4 machinima)
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:25:56
Enjoyed using the Uzi for the first time last night.Has anyone ever used the Rapid Fire on it?Does it just make it impossible to aim?How about Silencer, how much does it ruin the range?
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:25:57
I'm just about to Master it, 7 FMJ kills to go. The rapid fire is handy as I use a Marathon/Lightweight/Commando Pro set up with it and rush everybody so getting off a full clip in a short space is welcome.
When I go to silencer with that set-up I can rack up the kills on the smaller maps as nobody knows where you're coming from and you can team kill quickly to get your killstreaks very early on the map if you know where most people will be heading. I've had Pavelow out within 2 minutes of a map starting at times.
trent steel
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:25:58
I will have to remember that one