Publish time 27-11-2019 00:26:49
Does anybody keep playing this game even though they hate it? In the vein hope that something might click, and they become less crap at it and actually start to enjoy playing it?.... or is that just me?
I'd left it alone for a few weeks but I've started playing it again recently, I'm still doing crap and I still hate it, yet I still keep firing it up. Quick glance at my stats says I've played for 2 days 6 hrs and I'm on lv62 first time round, 0.76 win loss ratio , 1.16 kd , 17.07% accuracy :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7. I can't even see half the people killing me, I have to constantly check kill cams, I think my eyes might be dying along with my soul! I think hmm he's killed me quickly from miles away there, wonder what gun he's using...
I want to enjoy playing it, with the amount of weapons, perks, attachments, camo's, challenges etc etc it should be a laugh to play - but it's just one big rage quit for me. None of my mates play it either so I'm just wondering around mTDM getting bored of dieing slow (although mainly fast) lonely deaths. Which reminds me, the match making system is really good at keeping the L337 rank prestigers together and all the ham fisted noob soloist retards together, which is cool of IW...
I'm off to sulk, peace.
Dave H
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:26:49
Your making me feel even worse my kdr is only 0.81 and my accuracy is 10.79 I think.
A lot of people would like a kdr of 1 or above not everyone has a 3 or 4 kdr.
The only way you will increase it is more practice or change your tactics or killstreaks around.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:26:50
Well to be honest I wouldn't be bothered about stats if I was enjoying the game. I only start to look at them and whinge when I have a run of bad sessions, which is generally everytime I play the game now. never felt this annoying even if I was getting pwned in the face by mp40 juggernaut players!
Maybe the games just not for me, but I keep playing hoping to get more into it. I think I need to find a gun I'm happy with and stick to it, I keep chopping and changing weapons to gain the challenge points, cos TDM is a little slow to rank up on if you're not dominating every game you play.
campy mccamper
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:26:50
I have picked up a ps3 copy of mw1 so am giving it a go tonight. I am fed up of warp speed ice skating on the xbox, andlag and boosters on the ps3 version of mw2.
If nothing else I can hammer my old git of a brother
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:26:50
Urrr....all may be forgiven (for now!!) I found the Tar and bloody love it. Just hope when I turn the game back on tomorrow it still kills people 
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:26:50
I have lost count of the times I have had a good evening playing the game only to fire it up the next day and get killed by a chicken.
I agree though, TAR is a superb weapon, especially when silenced. I pressied tonight (3) so back to the UMP for me.
Had a little go on the AK tonight, great gun
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:26:51
I was struggling last night, my usual problem with shooting a full clip into someone only for them to turn round and drop me with one bullet.
My PS3 crashed a couple of times too - once on the match start screen, and once it got stuck on "downloading" when I went to have a look at the leaderboards.
Then I got an error saying it had lost contact the Activision servers, I tried joining a random public TDM and it just said "no games found" - so I gave up and went to bed.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:26:51
as they say on the sh*tbox 'Dashboard It'
basically press the PS Button
go to account management
press 'triangle'
then select sign out
then sign back in
give it a few seconds
then select a game mode and booooooooooom killing time! 
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:26:51
The "crash beep reboot" should achieve the same thing though. 
When I unload a full clip of an aa-12 into someone at short range and they just stab me (and on the killcam I hadn't even started firing) then I think that's Infinity Wards way of telling me to go to bed 
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:26:51
care to explain what this is mate?