Tony Hoyle Publish time 27-11-2019 00:22:43

We are now in the top 20% of folding teams. Its all good lets get some more people on board ! Looks like a ps3 can do at least three times the processing power of a decent spec pc so every machine we get on board can make a big difference !

insomniak123 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:22:43

Guys. I want to be part of this too.

Ive downloaded the software, but i cannot connect to the server. My NAT is type 2.

Any ideas please?

harrisuk Publish time 27-11-2019 00:22:43

Yeah at this rate they'll hit the petaflop marker within a few weeks... possibly even days if the join rate of ps3s keeps up.

russd1978 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:22:43

if you press select you can choose a large visual of the stem / balls model, or again to just show the % progress and the world map

ocelot20 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:22:43

I have just tried that to see if the processing rate increase. Mine was hanging around 0.7 as well..

russd1978 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:22:44

Wouldnt a lower "performance" number mean its peforming better as its the number of seconds per F completed?Or am I wrong?

insomniak123 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:22:44

Can someone please let me know what this folding&home is i joind the UK ps3 forum today and all its doing is showing me some kined of ball thing spining round whats it doing ?

harrisuk Publish time 27-11-2019 00:22:45

I am assuming you can only log into your psn account on one machine at once ? I have another ps3 sat here I was going to return. I am quite tempted to keep it and setup in my PJ room to have a play with, maybe bring another processor online 

Gladders Publish time 27-11-2019 00:22:45

I'm on as well all. Nearly 30% of the way thru package no. 1. If you finish playing then watch TV or a DVD, leave your PS3 chugging away on this. How cool would it be for a mere £425 to have helped in possibly curing cancer?!? We're contributing to the world's cheapest supercomputer - now that's a return Microsoft can only dream about...!

slackbladder Publish time 27-11-2019 00:22:46

I'm in. Donor name is SlackyPS3. I like the sound of waves. Very relaxing...
Shame there isn't a timer to switch the PS3 off after a few hours folding at night. Perhaps I'll plug it into a timer/plug but not if it means I'd have to do all my settings again.
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