Publish time 27-11-2019 00:23:04
That was over the weekend just after the update was released (when F&H came with a hairs breath of a petaflop).
Since then a lot of ps3 users have either stopped folding or only fold for a short period in a day.. so the FLOPS rating has decreased accordingly.
Current total is 616 tflops with PS3 contributing 56% of that, from 26,500 active contributors (as a data point 2 million PS3 users have submitted work so the retention rate is low - most people seem to use it for a day then stop).
Still very impressive... and of course a worthy cause (it's worth looking at the published papers list.. lots of stuff I couldn't understand there but definately results happening).
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:23:05
Dont change your name - I learnt the hard way - it doesnt update on the site (so if youve done 5 WUs and change your name, it will list your new name on the list and show 1 WU) I did 1 as "RupertGiles", then changed my name to my AVForums name "russd1978" and it had two entries one from each!Doh!
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:23:06
I see what you mean about the retention rate overall, I hope people keep contributing. I am going to try and leave mine on over night every night if I can.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:23:07
It really shows how much more of a bargain the PS3 is, and that it is beating PC's with Dual Core and Quad Core CPU's in
@ russd1978 What if the first post was posted up with, what donors have PS3's. Anyway guys I have spread the word about this team in my blog on GameSpot.
@ harrisuk Enjoy the power bill Harris, but I wonder how many kilowatts you will have used in power on your next power bill.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:23:08
It really is nice to use the console to try and give something back - It also helps us as a community too so it really is win win!!
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:23:09
i've got thru 6 work units, (nearing 7) since i got my ps3 on launch day. i have been leaving it on while i'm at work and a couple of evenings, but i expect that'll start to fade a little once i get a better selection of games and blu-rays 
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:23:10
Coldkilla looking at your signature it looks like you are already doing brisk business with the national grid with that amount of gear !
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:23:11
Just joined as Zaphod , which is my manchine name!
Looking to make the AVForums group the best in the world!! Lets go for it.
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:23:12
im up and running! currently mid table methinks!
coldkilla is smashing it!
Publish time 27-11-2019 00:23:13
it wont last - just wanted to set a good pace to give you all something to aim at!!!
I am like a sprinter not a marathon runner - but I will keep a steady pace later on it wont be the pace I am at now!
HarrisUK now you point it out that would explain why my electricity bill is thru the roof each month, need to invest in the standby saver I saw on Dragon's Den!