PlayStation Classic Mini£89.99 with 20 games. Very tempted mainly to see if it gets hacked and more games can be side loaded!
Well done Sony - should be plenty to go around too! "It’ll be out on December 3 in the US and Canada, and includes games like Final Fantasy VII, Jumping Flash, Ridge Racer Type 4, Tekken 3, and Wild Arms. There’ll be 20 bundled titles in total, but those five are the only ones announced at the moment." Just seen the email about it.
I’m definitely interested, will be another console mini sat under the telly, but still gotta have one  Looks interesting but I wonder how much I would actually use it.
I need to see more of the games that will be on it, and maybe some more technical detail Just saw this by chance on twitter
Decided to ore-order in Amazon and will decide at later date if still want it depending on the games
Most likely will though as I’ve also got the NES/SNES classic’s Got a link for it on Amazon? Sony PlayStation Classic Console Hopefully you will be able to mod it like the snes mini Pre ordered, however, would be nice to be able to play the original disc's. Seems a big waste having perfectly serviceable software but no hardware to use them.
Retro gaming is massive. Ordered, this will be a brilliant Xmas present for my 15 and 12 year old nephews (despite it probably being used in my guest bedroom obviously)
Thanks for the heads up