CarMad Publish time 27-11-2019 00:10:49

Oohh really I do hope so.

I used to play it so much I think my fingers could play it in my sleep. My little boy would love this.

hippo99 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:10:49

The only possible spanner is the licensed music in the game (wouldn’t be surprised if all the tracks are Sony published tracks anyway). If that’s not an issue, then certain to be amongst the 20 titles.

CarMad Publish time 27-11-2019 00:10:50

At least Ridge Racer is there but if GT was in then I'd be a happy boy indeed. 

hippo99 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:10:50

I absolutely loved Ridge Racer type 4, but seeing it on the trailer, the frame rate don’t half look rough 

Unlike the 2D stuff on the SNES mini which still holds its charm, the 3D stuff has aged really badly in comparison.

Got a preorder in, but not sure about this one...

bootstrapwill Publish time 27-11-2019 00:10:50

For anyone buying this, I wish you all the joy in the world.
I personally can’t understand why this is getting so much praise. They’re giving the players backwards compatibility (only 20 games) but are making us pay for it in way of another price of plastic. I wish Sony would go the Microsoft route and add backwards compatibility and maybe even enhance some old titles.
But again, enjoy everyone.

invisiblekid Publish time 27-11-2019 00:10:50

Agree 100%.

For me, the likes of the SNES games looking like they do is fine (mostly) There is a charm....some sort of something that you can look past.

The Playstation stuff can just plain ugly and, as you say very dated.

I'd bet on Wipeout appearing, but that soundtrack MUST make it also.

Leo31291 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:10:51

I dug up my old PS1 games the other week and actually booted up one of them on the dusty PS3. I might be tempted in getting one of these if it actual uses the disc tray but the trailer released says the games are preloaded so it's just a fake tray. Fangs but no fangs.

hippo99 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:10:51

If you were using PAL PS1 discs, those games will be playing at 50hz and squashed screen with big black borders.

This PS Classic will likely be full speed 60hz & full screen without the black borders.

shoestring25 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:10:51

£90 aint a bad price really considering theres probably a raspberry pi in there with a case 2 controllers and 20 games that currently sell for £3 a piece (when on sale ) on ps3 thats £60 in games

shoestring25 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:10:51

might still have side borders due to them being 4:3 ratio
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