Publish time 26-11-2019 21:30:55
It has just arrived about 30 mins ago and it is on charge as I speak, came exactly 7 working days after I placed the order, as they said they would. I am off to play so I won't be on this thread anymore 
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:30:55
Have a bit of patience with it. I'm sure it will arrive on time, and if it doesn't just email them asking why not. People seem to have had the most problems why they try and cancel the order because they get a bit nervy when they should just wait a bit and contact the company.
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:30:55
Hi There.
I have an iPad Air on order. Could anyone who has purchased one from Expedite Electronics answer a couple of questions for me?
1) Was it brand new in an Apple Box with a UK plug?
2) Is it covered by the Apple 1 year Warranty?
3) Was the software up to date i.e. IOS 7
4) When activated, did you get iWorks free i.e. Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Garageband etc.
Thank You
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:30:55
MY Z2 arrived yesterday too. Very happy with the saving. Don't mind the time it takes to deliver if you save £85 on the listed price.
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:30:55
My tablet is not an IPad, however mine came in a new box with all instructions in English, the official English plug and came with the OS installed that was listed. I had to instal some updates but i think apple products (I have an IPhone) and probably the majority of other electrical devices ship with the OS that was current when they were released. So with IPad air I would say probably IOS7 but you may have to instal the most recent update for it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:30:56
09-07-201407:47London East DepotDeparted from delivery depot
Does this mean it will be delivered today folks? So excited!!!
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:30:56
Did you manage to log in to your account? I have the same problem, cannot log into mine.
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:30:56
Well after still not moving at import Gateway Acceptance since last Friday and only getting 1 email response per day it looks like they will resend another tomorrow if I accept, which I have. Parcelforce had not got back to them and all I got was we will have a look and ring you which they never did. So fingers crossed another sent tomorrow, if some thriving git fhrom parcel force doesn't help himself it seems
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:30:56
No, I did not manage to log into my account but they emailed me with the news of shipment and a tracking link.
I monitored the tracking link easily and yesterday at 5pm the item arrived.
So, I would say that despite natural reservations (the site somehow does not infuse you with confidence, nor it's peculiar slot on sites such as Amazon) it does seem worth the plunge and the price savings might be worth it.
The risk now I suppose is the 'aftercare' should the products fail in any way.
But so far very good.
Publish time 26-11-2019 21:30:58
I received a parcel force tracking number and mine is out for delivery today. I assume if there are any problems in the next 12 months we can take it into an Apple store. As long as we have a receipt it should not matter where it was bought.