walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:02

How often and for how long do you all vape? Do you apply the same timings as when you smoked? When at work do you take a fag break as normal or do you change your routine now you vape instead of smoke?

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:03

Just ordered an iStick 30w, Nautilus mini and some e-liquid. Can't wait to get started now.

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:03

I've kept the same routine so far. We have to vape outside with the smokers so can't push it too often. Works for me though I do go a bit mad in the car. I never smoked in the car as I didn't like the smell but it's great to be able to vape in the warm 

jono987 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:04

I stealth vape at work rather than go outside, I just have a few puffs when I'm making a drink or w/e

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:05

Hi oska,

Well, I went ahead & ordered the iStick 30w as recommended & really hope I get it by tomorrow so I can get back to vaping! I think, in time, I will also get a extra spare battery or two just in case they go unexpectedly kaput again! Maybe in time, when I get more knowledgeable, I might look into replaceable batteries - it's like a minefield out there for the uninitiated!

Any owners of the iStick be kind enough to give a novice a good idea of initial settings? In my Kangertech EMOW, I found that selecting 3.7v & having between 3 to 5 air vents was about right for me - I pretty much now use 6mg liquid as was recommended & anything else seems pretty strong!!


oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:06

I did in the toilets. Literally yesterday they sent out a revised smoking policy as some idiot thought blowing clouds at a smoke alarm in the toilets wouldn't set it off. So now we all have to suffer. They have said we have to go and stand with the smokers.

I have written a stiffly worded mail to HR outlining the policies and reasons we are vaping instead of smoking etc etc.

Suave, I'd start at 7 watts and keep increasing it until you are happy with the vape.

old striker Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:07

When you fill up the mini nautilus with juice, please don't hit the fire button and start vaping. There are 4 wick holes around the bottom of the coil that need to draw the juice into the coil. To speed things up, place your finger over one of the 4 preferred air holes and give 3 or 4 good draws on the tank. Afterwards shake the tank and you will see bubbles rising, then you know your good to go as the juice has got into the coil and no dry hits. When changing my coils I normally give the tank a good shake between the 3/4 draws.
Great choice on a starter kit and good luck with getting of the stinkies.

old striker Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:08

My wife uses the 20 watt istick so I am hoping the following is the same on the 30 watt version.
Fire button pressed quickly 5 times switches unit on or off. Fire button pressed 3 times quickly changes between volts or watts.
For day to day tanks I use anything between 10 to 16 watts.
Start low and work up as some juices prefer lower/higher power.

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:09

Thanks for the advice fella, much appreciated 

jono987 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:10

That's great advice for the nautilus, I usually leave it to sit for 5 mins too. Once you get the burnt taste in the coil its hard to get rid of it
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