oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:52:38

I wouldn't listen to anything the Mail reports, their reports about e-cigs have been appalling and massively inaccurate in most cases.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:52:39


I usually peruse the Daily Fail for amusement as most of what it is filled with is pure crap but once in a while they report on something interesting even if as usual, they report the issue incorrectly!

Tried calling VV today to ask about when the Elite Kit may beback but got answer phone - I hope they get them in soon as I am fast running out of Nicorette barrels!


Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:52:39

Hi Again,

oska, VV finally got back to me after I emailed them again - they informed me that they have stopped offering the Elite Kit you recommended as they have battery problems with them. They stated to get the Twin Evod Kit as the next best option?

May I ask, which do you feel is better & why (also cheaper to run for the future!) - The Twin Evod at £29.99 or the Single Emow at £33.99?

I am wondering how much better the Single Emow is since it costs more than for two Evods & what the difference is?

Many Thanks,

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:52:39

Both are genuine Kanger kits. Both can use the Unicoil. Now it's a case of whether you want 2 smaller capacity batteries as opposed to 1 larger one. The eVod is a good clearomiser, I used them for about a year, then switched to Protanks, which are similar to Emows material wise. The eVod is plastic but the Emow is pyrex.

If it was me now I would buy the Emow, it looks nice and has the airflow control. It also uses the upgraded Kanger dual cols of which you get 6 spare, plus one Unicoil. The eVod kit uses standard Kanger single coils which are a bit pants, but they also take the Unicoil, but you don't get one in the kit. The Emow also has airflow control which is a really nice thing to have.

If you buy the eVod kit 2 months down the line you will want to upgrade it. Get the Emow and then when funds allow get a spare battery.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:52:39

Hi oska,

Many thanks again! There is only a few quid difference between the twin EVOD & EMOW so once again, your input has made things much better for me!

I take it the EMOW does not come with any liquid at all in the Kit? If so, can you kindly advise me on what I should get in terms of strength - they offer 5/10/15/20mg. I have no idea what 50PG/50VG & 70PG/30VG means so would need your input again on what to get!

So many flavours to choose from - was thinking of a "normal" tobacco version & maybe one fruit (Apple/Cherry/Pineapple) & a drink (Cherry Cola/Cola) flavours to start off with - is that a good choice? Which Tobacco version is best in your opinion?

Should I just start off with the smaller 10ml size for the time being? How long does a 10ml bottle last?

Many Thanks,

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:52:40

Tobacco liquids. They won't taste anything like a cigarette as such as there is no burning. They basically taste like fresh tobacco, like if you smell a packet of fresh Golden Virginia, that's what it tastes like. I gave up on tobacco soon after starting vaping. I am not really a fan of fruit myself but many people are. Here starts your quest to find your all day vape. You will go through a lot trying. A good caramel tobacco (RY4) is nice and what got me started properly vaping. Now it's just custard for me.

Liquid is made from PG or VG liquid. PG gives more hit and flavour, VG more vapour. People mix it to give more of a balance. Some people can have an intolerance to PG as it is not natural. Nothing bad, just a sore throat. Most liquids are 70%PG/30%VG. It just depends on the maker. Most decent makers will mix up any variation if you ask them.

Strength wise, I started on 18mg but found as I vaped a lot more than I smoked I was getting a fuzzy head from too much nic. I now use 12mg and get through around 3-4ml of juice a day.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:52:40

Hi oska,

OK! Just placed the order for the EMOW Kit & 3 E-Liquids - worked out at just under £43 - a bit more than I planned to spend but as you stated this is a quality kit which I am unlikely to want to upgrade in future, I guess it makes good sense & with your advice, I know it is a quality product which should last!

Only thing is I am going to have to get use to using something that looks like a mini Ballistic Missile as opposed to the tiny Nicorette Inhalators!

Will report back to you when it arrives & seek further help & guidance no doubt!

Very cool of you & all others to help out a newbie!!


oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:52:40

You'll get used to it quite quickly, it's actually quite nice to hold something like that anyway. Kind of like an old school pipe smoker.

jono987 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:52:40

Hi mate, I started 3 days ago on a c4 kit and I have already upgraded  just ordered an itaste mvp 2.0 for only 29.99 and the reviews of it are great!

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:52:40

I have one as my backup device they are great things. There's also the iStick by eleaf, similar performance in a smaller package.
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