Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:22


I too have been watching a few videos & keep getting myself enticed with lots of different tanks & options but in my case, a little knowledge is most definitely a dangerous thing!

On another note, I finally got my iStick 30W today - just tried it out & it seems really nice - very smooth & even draws & not much effort - I am using with the EMOW (MOW?) Aerotank that came with my EMOW Kit.

As a bonus, I was thrilled to also receive from Virtual Vape, a Kanger iPOW2 battery as a replacement for the EMOW Battery that died on me - it is 1900mah as opposed to the 1600mah EMOW. A big thumbs up for VV - they stepped up to the mark for me & I am very impressed by their customer service.

Early days, but the iStick seems to offer a better draw experience - the iPOW2 seems to offer a harder, drier & more burnt experience - no idea why but it could just be me not using it properly. It is bigger than the EMOW Battery, & imo, nicer as well as it has USB Charging & a screen which is great for me.

I went straight to the settings that oska recommended & gaping at between 7-9 watts seems great for me - will play around with settings over time in an effort to learn! Is there a setting that might damage or burn the coils out?

Now, just got to decide which second tank to get that can use the Kanger/Unicoil type coils that I like! Just purely from the looks of it, I really like the Kanger Sub Tank Mini but I do not think that can use the standard types of coil?


oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:23

Glad you are getting some good results at last.

The subtank is a different kind of device. It uses Kangers own sub ohm head but also comes with a rebuildable head. The sub ohm head (0.5) will need much higher watts so decreases battery life. Sub ohming was an experienced vaper's thing that a lot of manufacturer's have caught on to making it more accessible.

I have not gone down that road and am not too bothered about huge clouds.

The choices;

Kanger, Naturevape or Smok tanks. Take standard, dual coil or modified heads (naturevape etc)

Manufacturer made sub ohm tanks. Subtank, eleaf melo, aspire atlantis. Higher watts and expensive heads but most have a rebuildable head included.

RBA tanks, Kayfun, eleaf lemo, Fogger, taifun, krakken etc, the list is endless. Totally rebuildable, need wire, cotton etc.

It's a bit of a minefield until you find the one you like. All personal choice but where you are now I'd stick with the first one with the naturevape style heads. Many experienced vapers use them purely because they offer a fantastic vape for so little maintenance and cost. Take a look at the Naturevape midi tank.

Forgot to mention the ipow, adjust the settings lower. It may not be as accurate as the istick.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:24

I've just ordered some unicoils for my Emow tanks, so will let you guys know how I get on.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:26

Hi All,

I did my very first cotton change on my Virtual Vape Unicoil - it went pretty well & I believe I did a nice & neat job (despite my ailing eyesight!), did a dry burn with the old wick removed & made sure the wick was nicely primed with e-juice.

I am getting a vape but am experiencing a limited amount of smoke, very little flavour, a slight dry & burnt hit and a crackling sound every time I vape. The experience of the vape does seem a little smoother than the standard Kanger dual coils though.

Most absolutely rave about how much better the Unicoil is over the standard manger coils in terms of giving better vape & huge flavour so I can only assume I was amiss in some area(s) - can oska/anyone else advise to remedy the above?

Many Thanks,

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:27

Did you watch Martyn Parkers tutorial on rewicking? Personally not had any dry hits or burning but it may take a good few tokes to get rid of the burnt taste from the coil after dry burning. It can take some time for the wick to properly get bedded in. If not give it another go. A little cotton goes a long way, don't stuff it in.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:28

Hi matey - yes, I watched Martin's & Soulvapes videos - both very informative & helpful! Like I said, I must have been amiss somewhere & as you suggest, I will try another re-wick tomorrow. I thought I used a small amount of cotton but will try with a little bit less & see how that works out - hopefully with practice, I can prefect the process - it was as you say, surprisingly easy & this will encourage me to change the wick much more often - only takes a few mins & if that gives a better experience then I'm all for it but I really want the flavour - that all elusive flavour!! Do you think I should try the 70/30 over the 50/50?

I tried 12mg again last night & again, did find it a little too strong - the 6mg seems to feel about right. I vary between 7-9 watts on both the iPOW2 & iStick. I have noticed that iStick does offer a superior draw but glad I have two batteries now as I can use one as a back up in case one fails again!


oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:29

I never really go for 50/50 usually 60/40 as I prefer more flavour.

You'll get there mate, it's just practice and getting to know the different devices and the causes of dry hits etc. Something makes something else happen and it's nailing the reason.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:30


OK, will keep trying! VV only offer 50/50 or 70/30 so I think I will just try the latter this time & see if I can find some flavour!!

Just had a thought, the Unicoil came with a small clear grommet pre-installed & I have just been using it that way. In the bag, there were also a couple of other grommets - a bigger black one & an even bigger blue one - should I have used one of them instead? Maybe that might have had something to do with things? Not sure what all these grommets are for tbh & which one(s) I should use on the MOW Tank & say the Aerotank V2?


sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:31

I'm about a month into my vaping experience. Started off with a CE4/5 kit and then put a Kanger Protank Mini on my Ego battery. Not been happy with the Kanger as I keep knocking the unthreaded drip tip off and the draw is too airy. I kept having to cover one of the airholes up with a finger. Plus the 650 mah battery kept needing charging
After some reading I decided the next step was an Istick and a Mini Nautilus. They arrived today and it immediately seems a much more serious bit of kit. The adjustable airholes are going to be a godsend. I love the VaperCaper Custard so have just topped up the Nautilus with that.
But I'm a little confused with wattage and voltage settings.
I appreciate its a little subjective and dependent on the juice used but any suggestions on a starting point for both settings ? I've little understanding of the interaction between the settings


oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:32

This is only my advice but custard is not good on high wattage as the sweetener burns. For the best flavour vs vapour I use 7.5-8 Watts.
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