sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:33

Thanks. I'll go for that. I'm getting lightheaded testing out all the different settings at the moment. 

I have no electrical experience whatsoever - so set the watts and the voltage will adjust itself accordingly ?

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:34

Yes, you set the wattage and the device will output the same power if you decide to change to a different tank with a different ohm coil.

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:35


Also, do the up/down settings buttons lock at all ? Mine will adjust whatever setting is showing on the display, even when I'm puffing. I'd assumed they moved out of "edit" mode somehow so they wouldn't adjust if I hit them accidentally when using. 3 button clicks just moves between volts\watts constantly

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:36

I'm pretty sure it doesn't lock although I can't confirm as I don't own an iStick

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:37


Ok, thanks. Good to know

Even after an hour of playing around I can tell I've started on a different world of vaping. Great vapour, throat hit and taste. Looks like I'll be good on this setup for a while 

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:38

As oska said, pretty certain you can't lock the buttons on an iStick. However, this is a feature they have added to the iStick 30w, and I'm assuming it's on the 50w model too.

Stuart Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:39

Tastes amazing to me at 30w too.

Thing is there is more than just the wattage that affects taste. There's airflow and wick material and thickness etc.

You can go very high wattages and keep great taste but you need more airflow to stop the coil overheating and a wick capable of good juice flow to prevent dry hits.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:40

Hi All,

Well, my Virtual-Vape Unicoil seems to have broke on me when attempting to pull the old wick out - I made sure I was being very gentle & careful using tweezers after soaking for a bit but even then. The coil does seem to be quite thin & delicate & I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem?

I can only assume that one of the coil legs must have broken or something like that as it simply will not fire up. I am a little concerned now as I do not want this to be an inherent risk on every future Unicoil otherwise the costs will really mount up.

Is the NatureVape coil any stronger than the VV one does anyone know? I had pretty much committed myself to these types of coil as their performance is so much better than the standard Kanger ones & they are re-usable. The NatureVape ones work out pretty darn expensive at £9.50 inc p&p for just one coil!

The Kanger Dual Coils are imho, a real hit or miss affair - I have had two that seemed pretty good but the other three in the pack only lasted a day or so before having issues - not good.

What to do - buy more expensive Unicoils with the risk that they break easily or a 5 pack of Kanger ones with the risk that only a couple might be any good? Are there any other types of coils that will fit the MOW Tank?


Stuart Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:41

Used abiut a dozen naturevapes and never a broken coil. Never tried the unicoil so can't comment on those. I'd still be using the NV coils if it weren't for the fact I've moved up to the Kanger subtanks.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:42

Hi Stuart!

Many thanks for the above! A dozen coils?!! Wow, that's a lot! Now that you do not use them anymore, do you want to sell some/all (if they are fully working & in good order!)

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