spudtator Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:42

Just going to echo most of the other posters I'm afraid. £50 a head is a lot of money to have dinner in your own house.

Ian J Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:43

I would use a service like the one that you are offering but not for Chinese food and I think that you need to rethink your pricing structure although I understand that your idea is still in the formulating stage.

If I were to have seven guests at a dinner party you would charge me £400 which is far too much and I think that you should offer a price for the service (say £100) plus £25 per person for everyone over two people which would add up to a far more reasonable £250 for 8 people

Stinja Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:43

Maybe a poor choice or words, I meant the stupidly expensive stuff wealthy Chinese people seem to like, not my tastes.Much like foie gras, truffles and quails eggs, might be considered "top class", but I wouldn't eat any of those either.

I was just wondering how authentic this banquet is?Pigs stomach, ducks neck, sea cucumber, chickens feet and so on might be consider delicacies and chinese authentic, while sauce-heavy beef and black bean sauce with rice that dosent stick together properly would be authentic English Chinese 

Tempest Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:44

The thing is, it would be an expensive way to do it.
You are going to need, what...... Bare minimum 2 staff, Cook and Waiter (perhaps 3) you will need the vehicle to drive round to the clients house. Probably only manage one customer per night, so your one customer will be your total income for the day, or perhaps two if you can get a lunch booking also.
Food will have to be bought and prepped. You will need to take the plates and cutlery (you can't just assume the customer will have suitable items) You will have to take all the dirty stuff away to wash back at base. As you can't expect to use the customers kitchen to wash and clean up with.

It's a difficult and expensive way to do something.

Desmo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:44

Which is why he and his brothers have probably come up with £50pp to earn a decent living. It's a nice idea by the OP, I'm just not so sure it's workable as it could just he that little bit too expensive.

breakersrevenge Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:44

Thanks for all comments, I'm off to my parents for dinner (yes its a home cooked authentic Chinese meal cooked on a domestic 4 ringed hob and oven!! )

I will show my family this thread.


Steven Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:44

Which is fair enough but for the money you would expect a few Michelin stars and a violin quartet in the background. It is just unrealistic especially when we may be on the brink of a double dip recession. Even when the good times were around, £50 per head is still far too high. If you are going to pay that then you might as well go out and make a real night of it.

Not to mention before you even get to that stage, lots of time and money will need to be spent to build up a reputation and goodwill. You are starting from nothing and it is unrealistic to rely on friends and family. A leaflet through the letterbox aint't gonna cut it for a supposed "premium" service

Ian J Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:45

There are quite a number of people doing something like this and this chap would be a typical competitor

Tempest Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:45

That sounds excellent £19 for an 8 course meal served to you.
Much more realistic.

hyperfish Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:45

That is the point. At that price quality with entertainment is needed to be different.

I once saw something similar on TV in the States.

The chef was the entertainment cooking before the dinner guests. Fancy chopping, throwing stuff in the air and lots of flames.

Working alone the chef brought his own stove, work top and equipment setting them up in the dining area.
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