Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:46
Does he invalidate the household insurance?
Food bill = £19 per head.
Insurance bill = £100 per head (in view of the 'lots of flames' in the dining room)
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:46
Fair point but shouldn't HE have the public liability covered?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:46
£50 is not the set price, the £50 mark we did last month was a seafood banquet, Lobster, seabass, scallops, etc
The one our family did the other night was £40 per head.
We do provide entertainment too, we do also include a Lion Dance as we are also -
I think I should of done/explain a bit more in my opening post.
This is not like a fully fledged business, we only rely on word of mouth, and we have quite a few bookings in the next few months.
My parents are retired from 45years of the catering business, they only do this because they still have the itch to entertain people, I think my mums a bit shocked with the comments, my family is reading and discussing this thread as I type!
I'll try and respond with comments from my family later.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:46
Totally agree. I was thinking that the OP has started from the wrong end, looking at what they'd like to earn first and working it backwards to a price per person rather than seeing what the Market could afford and seeing what you can earn at the end of it. I could be totally wrong though 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:47
@£50 a head it does seem a bit steep mate.If it was 30-40 I would consider it but it would have to be Effing good and leave me with something left over for little meals in the week.
If I were to spend 50 quid a head I could go out to a bloody nice place where there is no use of my own kitchen and/or no mess left in my house.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:47
btw good luck with the idea 
Where about are you based?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:47
I think £50 a head could work depending on which area in the country you are, as there is enough of a niche for some being willing to pay for it (I personally wouldn't but that's mainly due to personal taste) but do I think it could survive as a stand alone business? I'm not too sure, perhaps as an offshoot of a larger venture.
Ian J
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:48
I think that it would be an excellent bit of PR if he were to do a trial run for me free of charge and I will then write a glowing testament 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:48
I pay £15 for an all you can eat chinese buffet with a massive amount of food..... get the enjoyment of a night out
I think there will be a market for it... but it will be a very niche market and i dont think its likely you could make a living off it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:48
The whole concept is dependant on the market you are aiming for. From the replies in this thread, it doesn't seem that your idea is aimed at the average punter, but that's not to say there aren't still plenty of wealthy people who would enjoy the novelty factor of it.