Beefburgers WITHOUT black pepper
Black pepper irritates my mouth and I have noticed as supermarkets have been in a long term price war a lot of things have cheaper ingredients.In the case of beefburgers this means increasing or adding black pepper so people don't notice it as much so...
Does anyone know a source of good quality pepperless (or at least very little) burgers?
Thanks. Your local butcher? Make.....your......own.....!
Jamie Oliver has some good burger recipes, check ‘em out. Make your own.
> Use 20%-30% fat beef mince (this can be from supermarket but if you can get your butcher to fine grind the mince all the better).
> do not add any seasoning
> Roll into 100g balls
> Place ball between two squares of parchment paper
> Press ball into burger with a heavy pan.
add salt just before you cook in a very hot non stick pan
These are thin burgers, if you like a lot of meat in your burgers use two patties!! Already tried, burgers are considered a cheap option.
Thank you!
I would never have though of that!
This is the best mince I have found so far:
Tesco Finest Aberdeen Angus Steak Mince 500G - Tesco Groceries Go for it, that fat content is a bit low at 15%, the fat is important.
You can make the patties in advance and store them in the fridge between squares of parchment/greaseproof paper. Definitely make your own.....when I got into burger making, I worked through the inaugural 30 on here, tweaking and changing to suit my tastes...
The Cheese & Burger Society Hey mods! We could probably do with a food forum. If that's not too much trouble, that is  Shut up and eat your gruel.