busterbenny2001 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:18


aVdub Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:19

Wow that does look very nice and save me some please.

I used to use a large container just like the one you are using as well. Big enough for a bath after the meats done 

PsyVision Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:19

Looking to sous vide a third of this tomorrow, about a 900g piece. Looked at ANOVA and Joule and maybe 54C for 2 hours, how does that sound?

Planning on finishing over the BBQ 


skyline32 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:20

According to Douglas Baldwin's site the minimum safe temperature for Sous Vide is 54.4C. I assume my circulator could be a few tenths out so never set it below 55C.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:20

Rare is generally considered to be less than 50 deg C, sometimes as low as 40 deg.The USDA (I think) recommends only eating steak at medium rare or higher (55 deg).Does this mean you shouldn't sous vide a rare steak?

PsyVision Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:21

Hmmm, now I'm even less sure!

PsyVision Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:22

Looking on the web, now ive had time to have a proper look it seems the range is 55 to 58 and anywhere from 3 hours to 14.

busterbenny2001 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:23

A nice looking recipe here and heats to 56

Beef sous vide with Yorkshire puddings – The Nosey Chef

PsyVision Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:24

6 hours at 132F, it's just been seared and blow torched :O now resting... hope it's good.
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