PsyVision Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:33

Veg!!Haha, get out.

I think I might try a pork chop, steaks a given, but I also fancy trying some bigger cuts of meat.How well does brisket/top side etc come out?

aVdub Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:34

Yeah seriously.
Search sous vide everything on YouTube. There isn't much left they haven't done.

I've done and also bought topside from a butchers that uses a water bath and it is really nice.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:35

I bought a OnePot version, wish I'd waited  said that, how useful is the Bluetooth connectivity?

dfergie Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:36

I picked up the US version of that Anova last week, Bluetooth app is very handy for setting temps. My first cook was a couple Ribeyes, second was a couple Pork steaks, finishing in a skillet and grill respectively.Both came out very tender and juicy.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:37

I see, I think.Does the app have a comprehensive set of times and temperatures for different ingredients then?

Edit: Just installed it to see if I can have a play without the wand.

dfergie Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:38

I installed the app a couple weeks ago after purchasing another brand that didn't work for the recipes only.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:39

That's handy thanks 

dfergie Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:40

Put 2 frozen ribeyes in the Anova Saturday afternoon, set temp for 129F, seasoned with butter, coarse sea salt, black pepper, garlic & onion powder. (lightly) cooked 2 hours, turned off unit and let cool for another half hour. Finished in cast iron skillet with butter and bacon grease.
Very tender, very good!

PsyVision Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:41

Got some pork chops coming from Ocado tomorrow, these will be my first try on Thursday.

What's a recommended time/temp?

aVdub Publish time 26-11-2019 04:57:42

Use the Joule app and it will give you some good idea's of temps   times as it has a short video showing how the meat and other food stuff looks at certain temps and times.

‎Joule: Sous Vide by ChefSteps
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